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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Go suck my asshole... ♫ You're way too beautiful girl, that's why it'll never work ♫
  2. But why the need to talk shit? If you really are just "playing for fun" then there's no need to call people out. I didn't say anything to you.... You just randomly come out and say shit for no reason.... People don't like that.
  3. I'm not an "easy kill" but I'm not that good either. I just play for fun. Kuz is the one starting shit.
  4. Explain to Kuz what "friendly competition" means. He obviously doesn't get it.
  5. I hate when you're just playing a game for fun and some douche bag comes out and starts talking about how you suck for no reason. That's one of my pet peeves. No I'm not, cunt.
  6. Well that's the last MP event for me. You kids have fun. I got better things to do anyway.
  7. I'm not butthurt.... It just pisses me off that Kuz would say something like that. What did I say about him? nothing. Who cares who's the easiest kill... It's just for fun... But Kuz 's ego is too big and he has to talk shit for no reason when in reality he's probably 95 pounds of Loser.
  8. Well when Kuz starts calling people out it makes you pretty heated. What he said was uncalled for. I didn't know we played just to call out who sucks the most... I thought it was just for fun. At least I'm not the biggest douche on these forums. You got that one my friend.
  9. You know what, next deathmatch I can make it too I'm changing my strategy.... I don't play GTA Mulitplayer that much and when I do it's usually Co-Op.... So I know I'm not the best out there.
  10. Because I don't camp, get in cars, or go searching for guns. I just run in and shoot away and if I happen to run into a gun on the way there then I'll pick it up. And I always seem to run into godfather
  11. I never said I was better.... I just didn't understand how I'm an "easy out"...
  12. I did, without you or Bronson there was nobody to hunt down for easy points. Ku, you suck anyways. you're always in last place. And how am I an easy out? I always come in 3rd or 4th....
  13. Bronson

    Classic Titles

    Still to this day I think this is the best Spider Man game ever created. And one of the best superhero games period.
  14. I'll only able to play for about 1 hour. Gotta go to dinner tonight
  16. Did you really think downtown LS was gonna be the same size as L.A. Noire????