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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. I think it's just the picture quality that's making them look like that...
  2. Bronson


    Wait so Rockstar wasn't even a part of it? Becaue all i saw was EA and Bioware.....
  3. No there were mountains that you just cant go to. I know there's a locked part.... but these mountain's arn't part of it. When your on the first islandyou look into the distance you can see mountains in the distance (not the locked ones) and when you try to go there it says "leaving sandbox world".
  4. Im talking about those mountains in the distance bcause he said you could go there if you want to. He said "anywhere you can see you can go":
  5. One thing I am upset about is that the producer of the game said "whatever you can see you can go to" and that was a total lie. There are mountains in the background that you cant get to and the producer even said "those mountains in the back, if you want you can go all the way over there and climb to the top" That was total BULLSHIT! skip to 9:05 to hear the producer say it.
  6. This game is no doubt game of the year. One of the best game openings I have ever seen. Gorgous world. And when you are swimming in the vast ocean you are petrified. The first time i went underwater i was terrified. And when a shark came up and attacked me i had to pause the game for a minute to get my bearings back. This game is amazing!
  7. Bummer.... our gamestops are ALWAYS hiring.
  8. Wait this girl works at gamestop?
  9. That makes no sense.....
  10. No midnight launch for Far cry 3.....
  11. No they didn't. They sand think they say a coyote in the trailer.
  12. Does it feel the same as Far Cry 2 in ways? I loved the driving in Far Cry 2 too.
  13. Does the driving feel better then farcry 2?
  14. Thanks for rubbing it in orphan.....
  15. Farcry 2 was the first game I got for my PS3 and i played the living shit outta it. So Farcry holds a special place in my heart.