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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Man they are still making DLC's for Skyrim?
  2. U.S. don't get it till December 4th. But that's great Orphan. Just more hyped to get my hands on it now.
  3. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    No just a weird habit of mine ive been doing for years.... lol
  4. Because you can drive a wide variety of vehicle's , including a hang glider.... and all of it is just there for the taking.
  5. It's really a hybrid of GTA and Skyrim set on a tropical island.
  6. Just shut up and take my money bitches!
  7. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    No i havn't.... how do you do it... actually you dont need to tell me i got a stradagy guide for the game.
  8. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    OMG that level has one of the best accidental kills...... Did you do accidental kills on that level?
  9. I love this guy.... and he does all the games that I like.
  10. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Wait are you on the level with the explosives blowing up pigs?
  11. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    What i've always loved about hitman games is that it doesn't take about 5 shots to kill someone.... it's always been reaistic in that aspect.
  12. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Okay ill play it in a minute. The misses what's to go out for lunch
  13. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    There's alot of levels after that one..... Is it after the one where you take lenny out to the desert?
  14. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    LOL i just looked for the girls in the level and kiled them with whatever object i had.... i forgot about the girl in the store tho....
  15. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Are you standing right by the exit when you detonate the explosives?