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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Okay well first i grabbed the explosive that is on that little walkway next to the car. then I go up to the drug dealers apartment by distracting the guard guarding that area by sabotaging the fuse box. Then once in that apartment, I drop the explosive next to the table with the cocaine. After that i sneak back out by distracting the guard again..... but this time throw a bottle against the wall so he turns the other way and slip by.... then i stand by the exit and wait till both of them are in the apartment then KA-BOOM! then I exit right away. Also note the way you see when they are both in the apartment is by using instinct.
  2. Has no one heard about this yet, or you just don't care?
  3. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    If you thought that was cool..... wait till you see absolution's kills.....
  4. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    I beat it... and beat your score 350,703 baby
  5. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Okay just got home.... time for a hitman all nighter And bones for some rason i can't complete one of the challanges...... im doing it right but it say i still havnt completed it....
  6. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    i think I got it..... ive been playing king of chinatown for the last hour getting all the challanges..... i think I can beat your contract.
  7. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    LOL fuck you bones And side note.... for some reason you can't do challanges on easy difficulty (which im just doing for my first playthrough to get familiar with the maps) Which i don't understand. i hope all the disguise changes remain which brings me to another question... When you wanna get the trophy for completeing the game on professional difficulty, do you need to start a new game, or just go through each mission and beat each one on that difficulty?
  8. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Overall, this game has some of the best missions out of any hitman game. Plus the game is beautiful! The close quarters combat is much improved. My only beef is with the disguise system.....
  9. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    It seems like they were going for a more realistic approach with the disquise system this time around...... i do like the idea of how if your dressed up as a mechanic for example, only the mechanics will see through you if you get too close, but police officers won't since they arn't familiar with the mechanics faces..... I do feel like they see through your disquise wayyyy to easily..... It should be they only see through it if your running or looking straight in thier face.... not 30 feet away from them.....
  10. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Who's going at midnight to get this? Im still deciding wether or not i should,....... or just go pick it up in the morning.
  11. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Oh yea I hate that shit..... ill only send you an invite if you arn't on a game or are on the same game.
  12. GTFO! If they have one Drake or Lil Shit song on the modern hip hop station Rockstar loses some respect...... There are plenty of other good modern Rap and HipHop songs that don't involve those clowns. Why not just put Soulja Boy on it too while your at it.......
  13. What's that song in the movie "Boyz n the hood" when the kid and his dad are driving home from fishing and his dad is humming a song on the radio right before the kid sees his friends getting arrested?
  14. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    For anyone who wants to watch it........ WARNING: THEY SHOW ALOT OF GAMEPLAY......
  15. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Shoot, I returned Assassins creed before I even finished sequence 6..... Not my type of game...... and no my future doesnt hinge on you, just when your on and Im pretty sure most of the trophies will be for single player anyway....
  16. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Im not sure...... but that trophy list looks legit...... Right now im just gonna focus on getting platinum on Absolution.... Gonna need your help with contracts tho bones.... your probably my only PSN friend that's gettin it.
  17. Dan Houser said no major character's.... so i think most of the character's you listed are out of the question.... i could see brucie making an apperance tho...
  18. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Craze add me so we can do contracts mode together! Im gonna try to platinum this game so I will need your help Or bones..... I know there are gonna be contracts trophies and i nedda get them..... Alleged leaked trophy list for the Hitman HD trilogy...... http://news.softpedi...ed-300791.shtml
  19. Wow mercy.... some of us actually have to work to get that 10 star rating