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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Fuck the watch.... look at those face's.... holy shit I have no idea how a console is gonna be able to run this game....
  2. Looking forward to gamescoop and screenshot gallery.
  3. Can you link me to that? Can't seem to find any word on that on their website.. It will be on youtube.... just subscribe to IGN and keep checking your videos.
  4. Why would I move to America, when Australia has Better ( also free ) Healthcare, Better Wages, a Better Standard of Living, Lower Crime Rates, a Better Education System ( aside from College/University, you have us beat there ), Less of a Consumerist Ideoligy and is generally less hated by the rest of the world. And by the way, why do most Americans hate the idea of a Public Health System? You guy's seem to think Socialism is a bad thing. Plus you are practically the last Western Country in the World to adopt a universal government funded health system. Why are you so backward in this regard? Yea but we don't have to get censored version's of GTA.
  5. And jamie your doing a great job as a MOD. Keep it up.
  6. OMG that first screenshot is orgasmic...... This game is beautiful.
  7. No new info here..... I just wanna watch IGN's game scoop today.... The whole show is dedicated to GTA V.
  8. You shouldn't have to have "drive" to finish the mission's...... By the looks of it this story is gonna be epic so I will need no drive...... Ima be doing the driving
  9. But man that's so cool how you can climb up on the letters.... probably has a amazing view of the city from up there too.
  10. Obviously since there hasn't even been a PC announcment.... and also how do you love the game when you havn't even played it?
  11. I think they mean that other then a wide variety of clothes, there will be nothing else. No piercings, tattoos, or building muscle
  12. If the driving in this game is like Midnight Club Los Angeles, that will ruin the game for me. It scares me hearing them say they wanna make it feel like a racing game.......
  13. Oh god.... I hope they didn't make the driving mechanics play out like Midnight Club......
  14. Well if anything give us a wide variety of clothes in single player.....
  15. I think the circled bald guy was just an early version of trevor..... And if you look closely there is a black guy in a tank top driving the van..... Im assuming that's franklin since he is a "repo" man.
  16. A person on IGN said "It's about time. Gameplay show us the gameplay" An editor for IGN replied: "We'll have a new trailer with gameplay on Wednesday, Nov 14., so stay tuned!" A person then replied: "gameplay are you sure???? hav u seen the trailer??" The same editor replied: "I'm sworn to secrecy. But I confirm we are showing Trailer #2. You'll have to tune in on Wednesday to see it. We'll be taking live questions based on having seen the game running, and spending time with each of the three characters in and out of mission." Does this mean we are getting gameplay?
  17. A actual comment on the newswire: from reading the new released info, all i can say is this. thanks consolefags for ruining GTA V, thanks to the shitty performance of the PS3 and the X360 there wont be Las Venturas and San Fierro.
  18. Alright im game.... How does it work? Do you just mail the gift card to us or something?