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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Yup im watching that. Watched it when they did it for the first trailer too.
  2. None of those mainstream rappers are.... I do like this song by him tho.
  3. All i need is a protagonist, this "new feature" and some details on the story and gameplay.
  4. Hey who knows, he may not even be a voice actor..... maybe he is just helping with the music or something
  5. Im kinda happy The Game is in it. GTA IV was seriously lacking the all star cast Vice city and San Andreas had. Hopefully this one has a fairly big all star cast, but don't over do it. I still like the no names doing some voice acting.
  6. Of course he will be a different character.... i don't think he's helping with the music but they might put a song of his in the game.
  7. "The Game" confirm's he is involved with GTA V in some way: Skip to the 3:50 mark.
  8. Yea the website, Not GTA V's website. They are doing something to it right now.
  9. They are doing something on that website that's for sure. Probably a countdown timer.
  10. nah, those people weren't gonna buy it anyways... Well it just made those people bash it and dislike it on youtube. Sometimes GTA fans can be tards.
  11. Well first you have to have 100 posts. Then you go to edit profile and youll find it there.
  12. All they have to do is scan the images and put them on here. Take 5 minutes tops.
  13. I still have no idea why they released the first trailer sooo early....
  14. ^ No it's not honky, Now drop down and give me 50 girlyboy!
  15. At least we have dates for both the GI cover story and the second trailer now. We can rest easy on that part
  16. No you can't Dup because we are getting 18 pages of screens and info in 3 days
  17. No i don't want a gameplay trailer for GTA. I want actual gameplay to be a suprise.