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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. You really think so Massy? GTA will break the record for most pre-orders. It will beat CoD. People are getting tired of the game, and by next year people will be just about done with CoD.
  2. Im starting to get much better at the combat. Im gonns take a break now tho and watch the Mavericks Lakers game.
  3. Man i fell asleep with the game paused. Didn't get enough sleep last night.... oh well back to playing.
  4. She's definally hotter then Lola. Hopefully shes the cover girl for the game.
  5. It will get here before you know it, but in te mean time let's get hyped up for November 8th!
  6. I honestly don't think there will be a delay this time. They waited this long to tell us because they wanted to be absolutly sure that it was gonna be ready for Spring 2013.
  7. He will get a console to play the game. No GTA fan is not gonna not play GTA V just brcause it's coming out on PC late.
  8. Don't bullshit yourself, your gonna get the game wether it ever releases on PC or not.
  9. Probably won't be playing anymore Assassin's Creed today tbh. This GTA V info has got me all messed up. I can't focus on nothing else.
  10. That's why now im 100% possitive that it's all real and official artwork.
  11. Is Rockstar going to make this art available for wallpaper today? And another thing... Do you guy's think Rockstar did this today because of the leak's that happened the last two days?
  12. Not that big of deal, but the GTA V website now has a big "SPRING 2013" on it.
  13. Man, just buy it for console. Then when the PC version comes out buy it again for that. And I don't believe for one second that anyone who calls themself a true gamer would ever pass up a new GTA game. So quit sulking and pre-order your GTA V copy for the PS3. Did you even PLAY GTA IV for PC? The game was horrid and still is. Plagued by bugs and overall just shitty. A patch meant to fix the game further hindered it for Christs sake. Rockstar just don't care about PC gamers. Don't even give me the "not a real gamer shit". I bought IV for PC first day and got given that shite. I'll save my money for stick of truth instead. What is wrong with playing it on a console. It's a legitimate and fun way to play GTA, on a Comfy Couch infront of a Massive 50'Inch LCD/LED TV. Give it a try. And you never know you might even end up liking it. Dammit Blacksox, Stop making these comments I cannot like!!! You said it perfectly. Id much rather play GTA on my 46 inch T.V. then on a dinky computer screen.
  14. Man, just buy it for console. Then when the PC version comes out buy it again for that. And I don't believe for one second that anyone who calls themself a true gamer would ever pass up a new GTA game. So quit sulking and pre-order your GTA V copy for the PS3. i would "like' that comment if i didn't reach my quota for the day
  15. I agree with marney-789, Rockstar had her doing a peace sign on purpose.
  16. I'm going with May. Just because the last 3 Rockstar games were released then.
  17. Unless it get's delayed. But I don't think that's gonna happen. Rockstar waited this long to give us a time window because they don't want to have to delay it.
  18. Dude. I ain't getting off the internet today. Who know's what will happen....