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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Ball doesn't hit that bag.... no runs. Giants are getting lucky
  2. Your right. Im actually scared on what it is because i have a scary feeling im not gonna like it.
  3. Okay but make it to where you can't advance through the story or anything. Just an option im multiplayer to fuck around with. Anyways id rather have them focus on other things then co-op.
  4. No no no no no!!!!!! If they make GTA V a Co-Op game i will be pissed! They need to just stick to what they've been doing. if it ain't broke don't fix it!
  5. ^ i love it too. Its cartoony but with a grasp of realism. Like the lighting, the chemtrail coming out of the plane, and the detail of the van door.
  6. Prediction? I got Tiger's Game 1. score 4-1
  7. Maybe we will get a piece of artwork everyday and then the cover of GI will be all of them sliced up like how GTA box arts are. And then it will be revealed "GTA V BOX ART" Just a thought
  8. Of course they will They will probably have the whole article and screens right here.
  9. No Gamestop in Scotland and I dont wanna get it a month after it comes out. Then you better subscribe quick if you want a hard copy... i mean quick
  10. Well if you want a hard copy for yourself just go to Gamestop and pick one up Save you alot of money unless you want to get more issues besides the GTA V issue.
  11. No the Game Informer issues come out a moth earlier then scheduled. So Decembers issue will come out in November to subscribers. Now if you buy it at the store you gotta wait till December.
  12. I would say more of a resemblam=nce to vice citys then 3. But it really looks like a combination of SA and IV to me.
  13. No you will get it the day it is shipped out. So expect it like mabe november 10th at the earliest. But ive gotten issues as early as the 5th before and as late as the 20th so who knows.
  14. And hey buddy; STFU Why the fuck should I? Because I'm telling the truth? I don't understand how you can be so buthurt over me not liking this. It's just some artwork. It doesn't really even show anything new. Calm your tits. Well keep the negitive thoughts to yourself. because your the only person here that feels that way.
  15. OMG they are going on a panty raid!!!! They just want you to think the mission is in a jewelry store........
  16. To me this artwork is really cool. its cartoony but grounded with some realism. Like the chemtrail on the plaine and just the amount of detail in the van door.
  17. Alright time for your guy's opinions: How do you feel about them going back to the cartoony game art like in San Andreas? Do you like it? And hey buddy; STFU
  18. No your definally gonna be involved with the heist. Now does that mean your one of the robbers or the getaway driver.... no one knows I was meaning maybe the story centres around a group of robbers or this heist in particular is a pinnacle point in the story Well that would be a real bummer because this hiest looks bad ass. Im really hoping it's a mission.
  19. I have to disagree... Have you seen a recent gameinformer cover? None of them are cartoony like this one besides thier South park cover story. but hey you might be right. Only Rockstar and game Informer know.... But its not a store you can go in, right?
  20. No your definally gonna be involved with the heist. Now does that mean your one of the robbers or the getaway driver.... no one knows
  21. Hey you never know.... Not every GTA artwork has the main character on it.... I know but its not just the artwork, he also popped up in the trailer and the screens. Maybe hes just a REALLY important character
  22. Maybe the GI cover will reveal the official box art. Never know....