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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. They will go eat cheese balls and drink beer with strippers. We will get Vice City Android IOS edition.
  2. Oh no way is it out before GTA V. GTA V is basically finished. I believe tho Agent will be Rockstar's 2014 game. Because you know how Rockstar does 1 game a year now. But what im interested to see is if it will still be for the PS3 because next gen consoles will probably be out by then. OR should I say one "major" release a year.
  3. LOL you might be right but I bet you a whole pizza they put a bunch of people from Rockstar North aside working on the game right now. I mean look at LA Noire. They announced that way back in 2006....
  4. I can care less. Also, Muscle fat was pretty stupid to be honest. All I want is a great story, big map, and lots of minigames and things to do.
  5. They are probably writing the article right now as we speak......... I wonder if they got a peak at the map.....
  6. We won't see anything tomorrow or the rest of the week. Count on it.
  7. They come at totally random times. ive gotten issues as early as the 5th before and issues as late as the 20th.
  8. I agree with you there. I wonder if they actually get to play the game or if Rockstar just compiled some gameplay for them to watch?
  9. Man Andy mcnamara is the luckiest bastard on the planet right now.
  10. Yes i think they are on thier final DLC if im not mistaken. And i think it releases in October but don't quote me on that. Im not sure.
  11. Yea but for future reference marcus if you ever wanna subscribe to a game magizine make sure its game informer. they are more expensive then the rest but get the best exclusive looks as you can see. Rockstar called game informer first too do thier GTA IV cover story too. And they did an LA Noire exclusive look. Rockstar seems to like them.
  12. But on a side note marcus if you subscribe to Game informer NOW you can probably get the issue right when it releases.
  13. And marcus i have a good feeling there will be a release date. ^ Yes. You will know the info by probably November 12th- 14th
  14. No no o. Okay yes he's probably played a hands on demo right now as we speak but it will be for decembers issue. At least thets when it will release in stores. But if you Suscribe to Game Informer you get the issues a month early.
  15. No the info will probably be posted here and all over the web. Im just saying you will know the info by the middle of November because thats when the Game Informer subscribers will get the issue.
  16. It means it will be thier cover issue. That means GTA V artwork on the cover and about a 10 page summary of what he saw plus exclusive pics. Awesome. Now I can't wait for December. Do you subscribe to Game informer? And besides the info will be coming middle od November because Game Informer subscribers get the issues a month early.
  17. It means it will be thier cover issue. That means GTA V artwork on the cover and about a 10 page summary of what he saw plus exclusive pics.
  18. Better renew my subscription But holy shit balls this is great news.
  19. Bronson


    I heard this only has a five hour campain. I would just rent it.