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Everything posted by Alcatraz

  1. They seem like they think they know it all. There map doesn't even have mount chiliad on it nor the other big mountain.
  2. Not saying it was just giving a little more incentive ya know?
  3. If you look at all the various of the sanchez between screenshots that strongly hints to bike customization.
  4. I could see him injecting Heroine into his arm and going into rage mode lol. The official game guides (usually made by Brady Games) have a vehicle list Yup i preorderd the strategy guide.It is said to be bigger than Skyrims S.G.
  5. Not much but something i found.Tyler the creator might be in v.
  6. Exactly i hated when the road dissapeard just because i was going to fast,the pop up barriers that you do not see until you crash into them.I hope the sense of speed is better than in IV.
  7. I want a regular crown vic without all the police shit on it.
  8. There is a sprunk vending machine behind trevor in the gas station screen
  9. I think the heist missions will be like the caligula heist in san andreas.
  10. I thought the same thing put could it also possibly be a running track or football field?
  11. Brings back memories. "Throw me some boxes, C.J.!" Brings back a lot of rage too I know it wasn't really a train robbery but it was damn close. Its like "All you had to do was follow the train" You know what fuck you smoke
  12. I'm shocked that this isn't bigger news yet... It actually looks like a gameplay screen.
  13. I support the inclusion of monkeys in the upcoming iteration of Grand Theft Auto 100%, on the sole condition that we, the players, are capable of engaging them in a game of ping-pong. That would be pretty awesome.
  14. ill prob upgrade to collectors next month once i get the 70 bucks thats the first thing ill do anyone preorder the gta v stategy guide like i did they said its bigger than skyrims sg i guess here in jacksonville they have enough pre order copies for everyone lol