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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Just park on top of them. The die after a while.
  2. Not at all alky. Just glad you found what you were looking for.
  3. Rob

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I have to say, I'm not a fan of the snow. but it makes driving my carbonizzare heaps of fun.
  4. The tyre track up to the corpse makes that shot.
  5. Go to the select menu. Hold down select for about a second and a menu will pop up on the top left of screen. Go down to chat. Set it to noone.
  6. Rob

    $1B Bounty?

    I did exactly that with the 200 mil I was given the other night but someone gave me another 425 mil last night. I give up.
  7. If you hold select and go down. there are Mic options. you can set it to no-one or just friends/Friends and crew. I don't think you can for Mission/race lobbies though.
  8. I guess so. Maybe tbey will drop it xmas day.
  9. Someone found a file labelled DLC_MP_Christmas. looks like they found a way to activate it.
  10. Grove left the game then his Avatar tried to make a run for it. Dio and I chased him down though
  11. Apparently it is an xmas dlc file. I'm guessing we're getting snow for xmas
  12. Hmmm Do I throw a sickie on Christmas eve??
  13. You can climb through one of the windows on the side where the gas station is
  14. Played this one with only one other (a random) we kept spawning on different floors an no way to change level. Only one place to interact. He ended up leaving. I got the money so score.
  15. That's exactly what I did. give or take.
  16. Another one I only just heard about was The Crew. Open world racing. Looks pretty arcady but I am interested to see more.
  17. GTAV for best (No Brainer) Call of Duty for worst. I wish it was better so all the squeakers would bugger off from GTAO Infamous for most anticipated because the 2nd one felt a little too cartoony. second son looks a little darker.
  18. I only created her to put all that gifted cash into. That sounds kinda wrong.
  19. And possibly a gay hairdresser.