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Everything posted by Rob

  1. The elegy in SA was a blend of the gtr r34 and the nissan silvia. So stands to reason this one should be similar to the new gtr
  2. I imagine there are a few people on this site are saying bad things about you right now cy. PS I just saw your tag. Kudos
  3. You just insulted 3 different cultures with 1 post. Impressive
  4. I appreciate that but as someone who has come to this community in the last few months, I hardly feel like I should be grouped with members who have supported these forums for years just because I opened my wallet It isn't "buying your way in" and nobodies going to hold it over you, again, it isn't a secret club, it's open to anyone who wants to join Soooo there isn't even a handshake?? Honestly. I'm more than happy to support the site.
  5. I appreciate that but as someone who has come to this community in the last few months, I hardly feel like I should be grouped with members who have supported these forums for years just because I opened my wallet
  6. If you have school the next morning, you're clearly too young ("legally") to play the game. I've got to get my son up at 7:30am and take him to school, and i will be playing all night Unfortunately my kids aren't in school yet. Late nights early start. Bring it on!!
  7. Nahw, fuck standard edition, I've got a Collectors Edition to pick up on Monday! Now I feel bad for only ordering the standard edition. Regardless I don't think I have been so excited for any release yet.
  8. If its about finance. Give us the option to donate. I won't pay for a gold membership because it has a status attached to it I don't deserve. But I would donate to the site just for the wealth of information (and lack of bullshit) Provided.
  9. I would love a sig of a panda being forced to have sex at gun point as in the quote from fight club I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. That would be awesome
  10. A cage full of boxes. Wait. Are they gtas?
  11. I'm reading the songs of ice and fire series. Jumped on that bandwagon. I have read a lot in the genre most of my life but only came to this series through the show. Good read so far.
  12. I hope you're right. Took nearly an hour to install sleeping dogs and that was only 1gb
  13. I'm not really going to get a chance to get stuck in until the start of October. I'll get an hour here and there until I go on leave. As Pothatuu said, Being an adult sucks. Don't grow up. It's a trap.
  14. Same. But it seems worse playing games. after about 10-15 mins I need to take them off.
  15. Same Mate. My retailer said they would call me when it is available. I think I will be calling them in the morning. wont get to play it till after work. depending on how long that install takes.
  16. It has attempted to redirect me to twice when logging in. but most times it just comes up with the chrome warning.
  17. Active 3D gives me a headache after a few minutes. I have an old 47" Toshiba LCD. doesn't even have a usb port on it.
  18. I can't say the driving in IV was fun. but I didn't mind it. You can see what they were trying to do. they just missed the mark IMO Kuz google is your friend.
  19. I'm just going to wait until I have the game before I draw judgment. It looks arcadey to me, but I honestly think R* have learnt from GTAIV
  20. Mostly skating will do that to you. That and being really shit at skating