The Goon

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About The Goon

  • Rank
    Consensual Rapist
  • Birthday June 25

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    Black People


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  • Jabber
    the fuck is jabber?

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  1. Long live the King of the Kremlings.
  2. Am I the only one here actually excited for this shit? It's a fighting game that has.. Mario Sonic Snake Mega Man Pac Man Cloud Ryu and a shit ton of other characters with more to come. It's dope.
  3. Christ on crutches. That's way better than what he originally reminded me of.
  4. If they do Vice City today it would be set in modern day losing it's 80's aesthetic. Unless it's a prequel set in the 70's, I wouldn't want another GTA set there.
  5. Possible front guy could be the villain at some point?
  6. The Goon

    Mad Max

    Max doesn't look like Mel Gibson therefore I'm offended.