The Goon

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Everything posted by The Goon

  1. Dont have an xbox, so i really dont care. As for the PS avatars, might buy one...
  2. would be cool to witness a ped break into a house at night and walk out with a bunch of shit.
  3. If i shoot someone in the face with a shotgun, I dont want some blood on his face, I want his fucking head separated from the shoulders.
  4. Would be cool to hear hints of "strange activity" on certain radio stations, then go to the areas that were mentioned and find some weird shit.
  5. Was playing with RP on a hacked/modded server earlier... Fucking dinosaur cars!!
  6. i honestly cant tell in dwan's picture, but is franklin fat? i'd imagine he would be in great shape but he looks like he has a gut and man tits in that artwork picture of him and chop.
  7. so the outter shape of the map is legit, but the inner parts are still questionable?
  8. Not sure if this is a stupid question but whatever.. every fan made map ive seen looks really similar, the shape of it is almost identical. The only part of the map we have seen is the city, so what im curious about is how do you know the top areas above the city will look anything like that? where did the random shape of it come from, if all we saw was the city? How do you know it wont look completely different?
  9. switching to trevor who has a 5 star wanted level is going to be a pain in the ass (without cheat codes). Does anyone know if you will be able to switch back if you are wanted?
  10. -be on Mt. Chilliad -trailer full of peds -push trailer til it falls off the edge -laugh -watch it hit the ground -go check to see if peds are alive -all dead -best game ever
  11. i felt the animals in RDR were kind of... not satisfying? wasnt fun being attacked by coyotes every second. it was pretty annoying and every other animal was just boring. (like they should be). i wobder if coyotes will be able to attack and damage your car while you are in it.
  12. is it just me, or does anyone else think chop will get annoying? especially when we know we can lose him.
  13. In sleeping dogs you would have atleast 2 police vehicles driving after you. One would be behind you, and the other would drive in front of you to block you off. Another interesting thing is that in GTA 4 if you stop your vehicle the police car would also stop and both officers would get out of the car letting you just drive away, but in sleeping dogs only one officer would get out of the car so if you even thought about hitting the gas peddle, the officer driving would go right after you. It felt so realistic and I have a feeling the police in this game would do the same.
  14. its funny how we call them michael, trevor and franklin, but after the game is out we will call them mike, trev, and frank.
  15. dont mean to be childish, but FUCKING SUPERPOWERS in an open world game...
  16. i'd imagine some kind of mission where Trevor's stupid ass gets locked up in that prison shown in the gameplay, and you have to break him out before he gets ass raped (or ass rapes someone else)
  17. as soon as i get a fucking car im looking for the grove street cul de sac.. better fucking be there, Then a few missions, then look for the pier (nostalgia), then find the countryside (running people over along the way), then cum in my pants, then break into area 69, then get myself killed, then find mt. chilliad, then ride a bike off of it, then punch a few deer in the fucking face, then look at the under water areas for 2 minutes, then go do a few more missions. The end. "my 1st day of shit i will be doing in GTA V"
  18. Fuck im too late, i remember gtagrl telling me about this...