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Everything posted by Icecoldbagey

  1. Wow, Ramune... I'll never forget the hot-ass day where I stopped into an Asian market just for the air conditioning, and noticing the colorful oasis of icy-cold Asian soft drinks and juices to my left...I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be a blue Ramune. Turning around on my heels, I paid for it, then walked back out through the automatic doors into Cleveland's 95-degree summer heat, embracing the wave of oven-like air and sauna-like humidity, not nearly as upset or irritable as I was when I pulled into the parking lot, because I had the lovely defense that was a frigid beverage, numbing the palm of my left hand. Not knowing at all what the blue shit in that sexy, sensuously curvy bottle was going to taste like, only admiring its ballsy, defiant cold against the near-tropical heat, I struggled to figure out how the hell to open it. After 5 minutes of puzzling over that strange little marble, I was startled as something I did caused it to recede abruptly back into the womanly curves of the bottle with a resounding *POP*. At this point, a small crowd of Asians now watched from a safe distance as that odd-looking white guy struggled with that sexy bottle. I took a swig and enjoyed the prickles of the sweet carbonation against my bone-dry tongue. Swallowing, I couldn't help but grin as the spirit of Ramune took over and replaced the grouchy, sweaty white dude that, until recently, was burning in the sun. Ramune changed me that day. I believe that change was for the better. Ramune, I love you. Wow how poetic it is so tasty and really quenches your thirst. The bottle is amazing, awesome bit of design I would also recommend Ramune shige superkix which are ultra sour Ramune flavoured sweets, if you like sour stuff
  2. Budweiser is disgusting anyway, I get a headache from it after about 2 bottles for some reason
  3. Dupzor, that first video is one of the most disturbing things I have watched in a while haha
  4. Original post now updated to contain Trailer #2 on Rockstars youtube
  5. Yeah Youtube seems like it will be the best bet, I've updated the OP to include the youtube link, the channel will show it when it becomes live.
  6. Ok so I thought it would be better to create a seperate thread to the 'Trailer 2 coming next wednesday' one. Official trailer 2 is below, enjoy
  7. hipster alert on QD, crack that blue ribbon at a thrift store indie garage party
  8. Currently trying to get hold of my dealer, fucking nightmare. All I want is a half oz ffs
  9. If I'm out at having a few I like to mix it up, drinking too much lager always makes me feel a bit heavy in the stomach haha. Normally go to Lloyds and get either a brown ale/tuborg/spirit and mixer (JD,vodka) If I'm buying something nice to have at home (normally at christmas) I usually get a bottle of Crown Royal, recently bought some of that too Dup ^^^ pretty niiiiice
  10. Problem with him ducking behind the door at that moment is there is no danger from Trevor, so it makes no sense haha. That either makes me think it's just a little glitch or there is gunfire/enemies close by
  11. Currently being rebuilt I believe? Saw something on the news anyway
  12. Basically whenever I'm playing video online, youtube/iplayer etc I'm having audio issues. The audio is stuttering and seems to be slowed down. I'm using an IBM Thinkpad T60, actually one of the best computers I've ever used. Any help would be appreciated, I've had a look on google but to no avail. Edit/ It's stuttering/slowing down on soundcloud as well now where no video is involved. iTunes works fine though.. Thanks
  13. Yeah it looks like a mini van, maybe containing other police/specialised police...or maybe even the vehicle used to take you away once aprehended
  14. As many as you want! I STILL haven't even managed to connect to the server, Molyneux himself said he didn't expect the kind of player numbers that have downloaded it. But yeah @marcus you can chip away as many as you want, and buy tools with coins to chip more away at once (coins are given for chipping away the blocks) But there are millions of cubelets
  15. If people are willing to spend money on unnecessary DLC then let them I say, more the fool them. As the game is played in real time I would guess there isn't actually anything in the middle yet, just to counter any possible hacks.
  16. Just saw an article about this weird new game on IGN. It's designed by Peter Molyneux, the guy behind the Fable series. Basically there's a giant black cube in a white room, with millions of individual 'cubelets' that need to be chiselled away through each of the layers. Apparently the person who removes the last cubelet will receive a message that only he/she will see and can choose to share the information..or keep it to themselves. Just downloaded it but can't get onto the servers. It's free on Android and iOS http://www.yourlocal...free_download_/
  17. Just been to comet, load of shit at the moment. Ten percent off laptops etc which are 20 percent cheaper online : /
  18. Yeah I can defenitely see him referencing something we'll all recognise from Liberty City