Otiz P Jivefunk

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Everything posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. so. logo's 'are gay' lol good luck. would love to see ya get 'em and post that library of logo's. be cool to see.
  2. goin with dupz, cause fuck you that's why. hehehehehehehehehehehehehhe.... naa. not big on the look of the prairie. too much on it. mostly the hood kills it for me with the red. too bad the roof didn't carbon up too. thennnnn...i'd be into it more. yer still cute fer an ontarian tho buddy. hug it out? yeah? lol also...3 day weekend. beer. ( i KNOW right. damn)
  3. Yeah for the most part im enjoying it. Tho I've mostly just been messin around takin ppls money. The big problem is ppl compare this to gta. Which has spoiled us. Did 4 story missions and so far its good enough to keep goin. We'll see what I think in a few days. I wouldn't bother with it if I didnt have the next gen system. Its not the same game. Did that with mercenaries 2 when I had a ps2. Bought it for xbox when I got it and it was a totally different game.
  4. unless yer gonna get into some serious scientific talk about weed, there's not much to say about it honestly. in game online none of us talk about it much other than to say we're preparing it to be smoked, or to say we're smokin it. we've spent A LOT of time together there, and all of our weed chats are about 3 sentences long. 'what'cha doing?' 'rolling/smokin/steppin out for, a joint' 'ahh, i see ok' 'yep, i'll brb' sums it up with us smokers, pretty much
  5. Otiz P Jivefunk


    Im excited for drive club. Hope its as good as forza. their car handling is, for me, the best out there so far. GT is close but just not quite as good.
  6. gtao is way too social of a game to not have a mic. unless of course yer only playin with randoms, or a social misfit...then i suppose....wouldn't be so important...
  7. every game i've seen for next gen aside from forza has regular graphics. i'm not expecting anything visually stunning for a yr anyway.
  8. comical child. comical. most of my posts are not or have nuthing to do with weed. moron.
  9. awwww.... mine is all ready to go. just gotta get cleaned up after work, finish my WEED, and go check it out.....
  10. eeeeeek!!!!! 3.5 hrs to gooo!!!!!!!! O M F G! lmao..... i'll check it out after work tomorrow. got the day 1 digital, should hopefully auto dl while i'm alseep...or if not, i'll start it myself when i get up for work. it'll be ready for me 9 hrs later.
  11. ummmm.....i have an addictive personality. also, i smoke it all the time cause i enjoy the effect. simple. that comment i said is an inside joke, because when i come in the room to smoke a j, it's also when i come on here. qd, however doesn't realize that. ....and yes....tobacco is the real issue.
  12. Lol. Awesome. I was watchin some adtube vids and that action freeze glitch can be done at will....hope that doesn't get patched. Too funny
  13. cherry huh? nice. no idea. kush- lots of different strains. always super potent. love 'em. flavor and smell is so telling of what it is. i have some on a regular basis.
  14. funny enough, i was just watching game play on the ps4 on live view. looks kinda funky, but again. no gta. guessing amazon shipped the game early to some ppl again?
  15. Im tryin not to compare this to gta other than free roam sandbox outside of game missions. I doubt this will be comparable to gta. Still want to play it tho. Hope its fun to play. Thats all I care about
  16. Now THAT is fuckin classy! No shitting. Very good!! 2 many nations rep'ed here. But all have military personnel who didnt come home. Very classy emblem. I want to see that again on 11 nov too. Best emblem yet
  17. Definitely wont be there with that emblem. Nice job but im not a yankee.only flag I wear is canadian. Its a military pride thing.....sorry
  18. add me shabb. i usually get a couple hours in with goose and ghost almost daily. dupz a few times also. they all over yer way.
  19. red and white all the way cfo! fuck yeah!! lol i was busy checking out the ps4. groovy. thief is fun! forgot to play with the capture option tho. damn stoners....
  20. Congratulations dupz to u and yer wife. Hope everything went well.
  21. last night and this afternoon went to see what killu and kuz was doin. heard some giggling, i walked around the corner. saw this: found my baby! remembered that dominators spawn phoniex's. muahhh. over at land act dam the refinery chiilin over chumash. these 2 smoked a fat J with me. nice guys.
  22. man....what beer truck ran me over lastnight....my head....hurts. few pics from the week, most were done lastnight. dio grabbed a simeon car. Kuz and i didn't believe him........since he was invisible. Kuz is actually beside dio's car here dio goin into the garage....fuckin hackers man. lol he showed up when he got out of the car, kinda see it behind kuz's elergy climbin on the door of my zen resulted in me standing through it my final garages. this is my 10 car garage by the airport weasel tower garage ghostman attempting a loop..... afterwards....ghost did a flyby. cops were on the scene keepin ppl calm. the luggageless wagon ace had. Ace saw the shit on the roof, ghost and I didn't. Ghost<- ... Ace -> . car fire. OMG! CAR FIRE! i said CAR FIRE! hmmmmm....the special effects fella...gray goose take 3. CAR FIREEEE!!! =-D it's out guys.....guys? we burnt ghost......shhh, don't tell Ace. might get jealous. ...more.... tried again...but ummm. well, u see the problem eh.... killu....umm, yeah i dunno what was goin on. forget. dio. snackin on boogers ummmmmmmm....ppl....uhhh....was drunk, but this is 100%, 2 ppl. right here, in this shot. yup. showed ppl how to yank ppl out of cars doin the long version of the emote actions we have. Kuz jazzin away. kuz face palming while hauling someone out of the car....funny to see happening. bones wanted a closer look, kuz just going thru all the different actions... bonesgave it a shot thrusting bmx out of kuz' car. turning at kuz saying, "i got this" kuz saluting bones. then kuz got stuck in that pose......heh! bones felt left out poor kuz. fuckin arm wouldn't work. then we all pointed and laughed. still stuck more action-carjacking bones wanted a picture. hi bones! good drunk nite. head hurts. OJ. where's my OJ.