Otiz P Jivefunk

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Everything posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. hahahaha now i know how to troll qd. awesome
  2. lol little ace hahahahahaha that was funny yesterday. ''c'mere boy!!! go fassssterrrrr! lmao for the most part, i have no issues with that, he's alright 90% of the time. well...for a little kid anyway....
  3. Otiz P Jivefunk


    sounds good Rob. that was the first thing i checked out with the new consoles. the controller. i really liked the xbox controller. mostly tho for the triggers, and analog sticks being concave. compared to ps3. Was really happy with the ps4 controller, and i like em better than xbox one controller. just wish gta would come out for next gen........
  4. ^ -just noticed that too, hahahahha. he mean's well enough tho, lol
  5. wish we could fuck with the apature/shutter/iso/exposure settings. we need a digital slr for in game photo's. damn phone drives me nuts at night. lol dio: bifta bliss with dio, and grove, good time lastnight ppl's
  6. and america don't help/invade 3rd world countries that have no natural resources to exploit bla bla bla...... i mean there is no other country that has citizen's lie about where their from cause the entire world want's em dead. comical.
  7. i have an open friends lobby everyday. i'll be on tuesday, as usual. And as usual, whoever else is on, can join my lobby, or in da-da-da-dio's! case, he'll send a msg that says invite... sunday's still work better for me than monday....i know, monday is set in stone, it's fine with me. just sayin tho.... lol
  8. see qd yer the typical racist yankee fuckhead that needs the shit knocked out of ya. id be so happy to do it too. yer such a dumb racist cunt that a rebuttal isnt worth my time aside from this. yawn....now where's my coffee.....lmao
  9. i'm still waitin for a 'cops-n-crooks/witness protection' type game mode for online. i do miss playin that, was shit tonnes of fun
  10. Stealing that as new sig quote. mine's better! so there! hahahaha
  11. -i think that's the first time we officially had 16 crew members to start a playlist... -this crew is 100x stronger that it ever was when it was open lobby... you legitimately know everyone in it now instead of the constant invites from complete strangers... -didn't realize that it was never full. -i've noticed this and do like it more now for this exact reason. -- also, for the most part i get along with all of Dio's skate buddies, have all but 2-3 on my list. it's too bad dude was being a fuckwad durin the events, but hey, for a forum crew, it's gonna happen eventually. i still enjoyed my short night.
  12. Aaaaaannnnddd.....no arms Otiz's Surfer van. just grabbed an hour+ ago...again at that same location, muah. at the place where i found 'em it spawns here hot pink, midnight purple, and bright purple pearl.and hot pink low rider rims, hahahaha lovin it. lol
  13. does it actually work on XB? cause it sure as shit don't on ps3, (and i miss 'party chat' also. damn u ps3). when i set my voice chat to friends only, i still hear the fuckers that have theirs set to everyone, but they don't hear me. only time i don't hear 'em is if they have their chat option to friends only. not that it really matters overall to me, since i do private lobbies 98% of the time.....
  14. is he even part of the igta community? why have ppl in these if they are only crew members and not active members of the 'igta world'. i dunno...just me thinkin again.....i know, i know....sometimes it just happens tho....lol
  15. was drivin along when i noticed this: my bf surfer for my ole no arms Otiz's bitch: not quite the car you'd expect to see out front of this shop maybe here is better, also this is where it spawns too: hope ginge finds his....and ginge, check vehicle spawn thread for where i got this...
  16. what!????? that's just crazy Kuz, u know i won that.....goddddddddddddddddd.....dddddd....lol
  17. the shiny bf surfer shows up on the east side. road that goes to the research lab, forks off to the right to a dirt road that takes a 'S' turn to the beach. the van spawns during the evening hours up to about 12-1am-ish. not every nite, but it WILL show up. i just grabbed mine there 2 days ago. the road that leads out into the rural areas from the oil fields and micheal's scrap yard. goes north north east....ish.... this is the east side beach that has that rock tunnel on the right side of the beach as u come down the road. also, a gang fight is there too
  18. fuck does being a bitch......er female have to do with how we talk to ya. would'a said the same fuckin thing to ya if you were a man. get over yerself, we're just havin a bit of a laugh. first comment i got back on this thread was, 'nice chest hair', from a guy, with my reply of, 'it turns u on don't it'. i'm thinkin you should stick to yer app. and we'll continue to use this forum as our wewanna app. or whatever it's called
  19. yep. just gotta make reservations for a lane to play on.
  20. america fighting for oil again. if oil wasn't there, neither would they