Otiz P Jivefunk

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Everything posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. dammit....why did i mod my cars so much...and why did i fill that fuckin garage. i'm a dumbass! nuts. lol i want that fuckin buggy too!! hahahaha now...what to sell...... i'd kill for a secondary garage option....can't wait to see what's in this dlc. Better be a fuckin handlebar 'stach too.....dammit.....lol. but seriously, i want MY friggen 'stach mannnn. I wanna look different than 90% of the full blooded honkie crackers playin this damn game. well here's to hoping! ... *lights joint...*
  2. ^^^ mine is glass....the T-bar looks better than the full roof
  3. yeah i had someone's little cunt friend pull that bitch move the other day, campin outside yer home. so i waited till the cuntfuck was robbin, and tossed a sticky bomb on him, and took my money back, then promptly blocked his little bitch ass. good tip, before ya leave the condo/garage/mod shop, hit start, go into map, press select to change to outside map view and look to see if any lame ass bitches are campin outside. works well. now if only the condo had a balcony so i could drop a sticky on their little bitch heads.... no more lettin friends invite their friends into my lobbies either....
  4. heading to the mod shop when i saw this view: hangin out:
  5. cars should auto 'ghost' in races. it's just too irritating with the fuckwads immediately slammin yer car off the start line. I'm not a dirty player, and avoid dirty players. i only race with friends now cause of it. i really don't try to hit anyone. As Bones had said....'how very Canadian of you' lol
  6. Ace, with the Ricky mobile. (it was Ricky wasn't it Ace?) The wall ate this dude... my partial modded Tornado that i stole, hehehehe. hope the cloud isn't pms-ing today....
  7. Just gotta think clear and not think mad. they did state that they would always be tweaking things. If enough money is made per month by microtransactions, then i doubt we'll see higher payday's comming back. and that's my point Dupz, what about the millions of legit players? i just don't see R* being petty as to punish EVERYONE, (how many million are playin online?), because of maybe 1/4 were dishonest in their gameplay. That's so not R*'s style. It's about them keeping a steady revenue, which is good for us, as it hopefully means better dlc for online sooner. If not done right, yes the MT's are on the greedy side, but if ya keep em cheap enough and a good value for the real $$ yer spending, they can be great for the gamer in the long run as far as the game development side of it. seriously, i know ya's are pissed, but ya have to think clear, this approach is the business end of stayin alive as online game makers.
  8. if ya's think they cut the payout cause of the glitchin then i got a bridge for sale here for ya too. They cut it so ppl will use the microtransactions. R* is a company after all and need to bring in $$ regularly. big payday? no need for real money to be spent on fake money. Want a quick payday? oh spend 5 bucks, and you'll get a chunk. times that by 50,000 players (random number). Not a bad source of revenue. No brainer there. Just think in business terms and you'll see the real reasons. Also, there's no difference using the bike glitch or redoing that $9000 pay out job every 2 mins in the first few days. Or even fixed racing. same action. exploiting/cheating. ('Yer not playing the way the game makers designed it to be played.') I know for a fact that most, not all, but most have done at least one of these. don't be a cheater then turn around and call someone else a cheater because they cheated a bit different than you. I wonder how many ppl complaining about the exploiters are real fucking thieves stealing music/movies online. yeah that's real money, not fake game money. fuckin hypocrite if you are and I hope ya get busted too. it's fucks like you that's the reason why i have to pay higher prices for music and movies with my REAL money. I do photography stuff, and sell my shots, so no i don't steal copyright stuff. MP3's didn't exist when i started sellin my prints either. .wav files were the thing back then. lol
  9. ain't gonna be any different when microtransactions kick in. ppl will have crazy varations in money. the 'economy' is a fuckin myth
  10. well joke's on me. didn't work for me. did what it said, i dunno, maybe too slow on the presses. not spendin more to try again. was hoping for 800k total with the R* 500k bonus, for my troubles. Guess 500k is what it's gonna be. boooo.
  11. i had a lvl 18 guy removed, with 2 cars paid for, and a shit tonne of mods with garage. i just upgraded the shit outta my bf injection, a good 150k, and it was reset to the default. i'm taking back what's mine if i can. edit: not lookin for a few million, just a little piece, like 300k-ish. also>> GREAT idea when in yer garage, hit down on the d-pad so it shows the cars stat's. it also shows if yer damn car is insured or not. 3 of my cars weren't....could'a lost my gaulent, phoenix, and grandger, or whatever it's called...lol.
  12. thx. haven't loaded it up yet today, gonna smoke me a J, and see about that
  13. hey does that bike mod shop thing still work, or is it patched by now?
  14. right, here's a bunch i didn't get around to uploading yet...frig. the first bunch is Ace in a cargobob: (the tiny black dot is Ace's approach from LS airport) i know, they're really dark... yes i was in a condo for those. me and bones-the other shot (i wasn't looking at the camera for some reason) the garage thus far, the baller is stockpiled... sorry for such a long post ppl, should'a posted some sooner.
  15. just do those of us who haven't got the starting cash to try this yet when its been patched. thx the ppl banned and had $$ taken are the ones who posted to YouTube probably. maybe I'll try tomorrow aftrr work. lol
  16. ^ i agree Bones. my opinion is no super car ever, past or future will ever be better than an '86-'88 Firebird. Top speed means sfa to me. it's about the look, feel and it HAS to rumble, not whine like them super cars. Buffalo Gaulent phoenix the free Elergy Sand king xl Hexter BF Injection Grandeur (FIB look alike suv) that's it so far why do i have 'em? simple. i likes 'em
  17. ^^ yep, this game has gone to shit. also just finished upgrading my injection, new paint, armour, engine, etc. take it home, then leave, steal a baller, go back to stock pile, and look my injection is now the stock model, not my upgraded one. ummmm. so i spent over 200k just to have it reset to default!???? ummm no. fuck you R*. i want 200 billion dollars! yer fuckin bullshit half a mill don't cut it for me now... lol...but yeah im pissed
  18. i vote for a shade lighter on the blue. looks great dude
  19. online SJM. for jobs/races/etc. in the online options, the matchmaking is defaulted to -open- if ya want that shit private, switch it to -closed- then invite who ya want.
  20. was just chillin in my condo, havin a few bong blasts feelin good, was about to leave and see what's happenin in ole LS, and had 3 cars to sell but then Ace decided to stop by and we got chattin to Bones, so he figured he may as well come over for a few tokes also, and we got goofy.... Then Bones started fappin to Ace doin a hit on the bong...was odd really.... Ace didn't mind and took him over to the kitchen to 'finish' up then we all left and died! the end =-]
  21. so i just got a condo. groovy. just got my free Elergy, from the Legendary website. Groovy x2. Then I left the condo, left the car somewhere. went back to the condo....another Elergy beside the one i ordered.....ummmmm. kaaayyyyy. sell that bitch. = $9500. well...groovy x3! go back to legendary site, get another free Elergy. Sell that bitch to mod shop. =$9500. (evil laugh). rinse/repeat. get a garage, forget stuffin the ballers in 'em. keep ordering free Elergy's. get an extra 500 bucks without hunting. The Baller (Range Rover) SUV's are worth $9000 to the mod shops. Fuckin Elergy is $9500. enjoy yer $$ muah