Otiz P Jivefunk

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Everything posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. i got the same one last night. all set now. congrats on yer new condo btw.
  2. nice!! just as long as i don't lose most of it due to fuckin medical bills. anyone know if medical is capped at 5k? cash will go quick in open lobbies of fuckwads.
  3. ^^ Nice! i got the same place tonight too! yay for 10 car garage filled with Ballers! Parker was with me when i went to buy it, and here he is testing out the whiskey... oddly enough, it was actually day time outside. dunno why the pic is at night....odd. was supposed to show the small view. my older brother testing the seals on the bong, making sure it works right. must have a paaaartay soon...
  4. it also sells for 8k in the mod shop. i liked the oracle a lot, and used it a bunch, but prefer the buffalo to start. also restarted my slot 2. chick novelty wore off fast....lol
  5. mine came thru for online finally
  6. hey rob, just do friend only sessions. keeps the fuckwads out. it's under the same menu as solo session that Drew mentioned
  7. yeah?? huh. i suppose that does really make sense cause i stole the heli tours frogger when i first started and flew around with it for a while but no mavericks were there, however a while later, i never noticed what rank i was, they spawned. didn't notice the plane in the hanger till a couple days ago, again no idea what lvl i was.
  8. i have the same issue bones, money in bank but no other data. Yesterday when i tried to get online, it would come back and say the r* cloud servers weren't available and go to SP. today it goes straight to the create character screen. Thinkin my dude is gone now. i tried this shit, didn't work for me, apparently it does for some, i just got the same result as i did b4. link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_SlSYtZ9vg&feature=c4-overview&list=UUgiZs0J_0KaxmdccCUJuYdg
  9. just saw a vid about deleting the cache file, think he said update too...back in a bit. see if it works. got nuthin to lose now anyway.
  10. da fack!??? go suck yer mommy's cunt fuckwad. your not worth my rage.
  11. yeah, starting a mission does the same. i've also left my beat up car in the garage, left it, came back later and it's fixed.
  12. ^^ i saw on youtube the rooster teeth AH guys had them on xbox online....so maybe just a glitch
  13. i wanted Groovy, but that was taken. not so groovy.... wish we had the 'once only' option of changing it
  14. mine is otiz420. ipod touch ftw! still no app for the samsung tho.... didn't realize you could have 8 spaces or i'da left a space between. looks kinda odd on the plate. here it's only 7 spaces. i noticed too that the online won't pick up my plate.....
  15. -R* was trying to minimize the trolling, so i doubt this will ever happen. Plus it puts poor sport labels to yer character for 'hunting ppl' that way. - Somewhat agree, more aircraft would be nice, but if the buzzard did spawn, then every fool in the lobby would be goin for em. not sure i'd want to play in a lobby full of buzzards to hide from. also go to the sandy shores airfield, a cessna type plane spawns in the hanger.
  16. i did enjoy the back flip yer dude did from a close range bullpup shotgun blast to the face.... lol
  17. well if my shit is gone, i highly doubt i'll go back to online for a bit. i didn't enjoy the experience enough to redo levels 1-18 this soon again. thanks but no.
  18. the highest bounty i had was 9000. just play with friends, have them kill u and give u the cash if ya don't want to wait it out. StillJustMe, Parker and I did that a few times.
  19. good to know, thanks for that awesome bit of info. now if only i had my damn character. stupid cloud
  20. no shit?? clothes stores are safe zones? huh, cool.....
  21. well shit. i never did do that anyway. i give it a few more days and see what's what
  22. i somehow picked up a bat. dunno where the fuck i got it, but was goin thru my melee items and it was there. i was like 'da fuck that come from' then tested it out. quite fun. i was also wondering about that crowbar, would love to get my hands on it.