Otiz P Jivefunk

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Everything posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. also i noticed that when gettin new clothes, ya didn't need to take the money out to buy shit. i had 500 cash on me but bought 1000 worth, so that's VERY handy.
  2. i was on!!!!!! got to buy clothes! yay. but then drivin to meet lamar at the store, the mini map stopped loading and the game froze up. so i restarted the system.....and now my ps3 won't read the game disc, or my blu ray movies. just the regular dvd's. wow this game does not want me playin apparently. dunno what to do now. might just buy the digital, cause i'm not gettin a new/used ps3.
  3. not sure, but i've noticed a few times that the in game site for BAWSAC was 'down for maintenance'. however the liberty stocks were still active...
  4. For 360 yes. Go to their gamercard and mute them from that. I'm sure theres some global mute option somewhere. Thanks I'm on PS3 but I've figured it out. Does anyone know what's the sketch with banking money? How's it done? Can't see any ATM's strip club, has a row of em.
  5. day 2 and i haven't been able to do anything yet aside from character creation, which doesn't save. comical
  6. still a no for me. not connecting to social club either. made a character about 20 times, doesn't seem to save even on the times i get to the race start. tho never got past the race yet, keeps crashing.
  7. not pay to win, but soon will be pay to play. understandable tho, to a degree. they gotta pay ppl to keep it going. but hopefully knowing how many ppl do want to play they keep the cost low and reasonable, like 50/yr. or something, (just throwin a random rate out there...)multiply that by 10million = costs paid.
  8. it killed my xbox data. but i was only using that one for online anyway, so i only did the first mission tutorial to where u first free roam with Frank and see his shared home. However....the disc didn't survive my rage after the failed reinstall. i also learned while playing that game, that trevor has the same rage problem i do.... my ps3 data is still grooovy tho
  9. ^ nope. i wouldn't have got it untill it came down to 30 bucks. i waited on IV for 2-3 months b4 getting that one too. i did my preorder the day of the online vid. that's also when i officially became a member here instead of lurking at the news. because of that online vid. but that's only me.
  10. a bunch of my friends on xbox are goin at it online. my data was corrupted, and i'm reinstalling everything as i type this. ps3 gets me as far as the race but won't connect to the race. it was just under 2 weeks to get that dumb app working. best not be another 2 fuckin weeks or 2 days even for this. I'm more annoied it fried my xbox data than anything tho...fuck u R* fer making me smoke more pot than i wanted to today... edit: nope, xbox full reinstall didn't work, said data where it's stored is corrupted, b4 reinstall, after partial reinstall, and after a complete full reinstall. done. especially now since i threw it out the fuckin window from the 4th floor in a rainstorm....guess it's ps3 exclusively.....where's my fuckin weed
  11. ^^ LMAO! needed that. been cranky since 10am.... stupid servers.....
  12. can't stand that character creation crap. fuck were they thinkin with that anyway!? Fuckin horrible, and no handlebar 'stach to start out with!?? mannnnnnn...... i'd like a character that at least looks a tiny bit like me. If it resets my guy again, doin random, and maybe make it a female....with a handlebar 'stach! lol okay, no....but.....
  13. yep ^ that. made me remake my character and said i'm not active on any crew now. My xbox game save got fucked. luckily i only did the intro. gotta reinstall the entire game. ps3 one is groovy tho.
  14. spent 10-15 mins with the sub and underwater...nah. not my thing. cool, but not for me. hey bones> beside the airport, right side of the map at the docks, there is a scuba gear boat. spawns in 2-3 different places there. will show you tomorrow online. lol
  15. Fuck that. I paid $150 for exclusive shit. What's the point of having exclusive anything if it isn't exclusive. most games eventually give out the exclusive digital stuff as dlc months later. Don't forget, u got all the other material things. that's really what you paid for, with the exclusive ability to use the game content months b4 those of us who didn't want the material shit. i got the LE version for the digital content.] I think you forgot the definition of exclusive. Exclusive: belonging to a particular individual or group and to no other; not shared Releasing it later isn't an exclusive item. If I can't afford a 2014 Lamborghini I don't bitch and hope that they sell it later to where everybody can afford to purchase one. i think you forgot to look at EXACTLY what was offered as exclusive with yer CE copy. go on look. Yer the one throwing this exclusive word around for everything CE. I'm just puttin it in there for fun. Just the artwork, and that is listed as exclusive, for both LE and CE. Not the digital content. Then later they announced a bike and car, just for the CE holders. that's it. some postcards and 2 vehicles. everything else is up for everyone. Yer all pissy and it's all because you didn't read shit right when ya preordered. Nothing is exclusive in the gaming world ffs. Suck it up bettercup. link: http://www.rockstargames.com/V/img/en_us/order/collectors-edition-full.jpg
  16. Fuck that. I paid $150 for exclusive shit. What's the point of having exclusive anything if it isn't exclusive. most games eventually give out the exclusive digital stuff as dlc months later. Don't forget, u got all the other material things. that's really what you paid for, with the exclusive ability to use the game content months b4 those of us who didn't want the material shit. i got the LE version for the digital content.
  17. Franklin is my top choice. No contest. He has Chop with him. Don't mind Mike, but can't stand watchin the character move about, looks odd. Trevor? well if i were Mike, he'd be dead after the mission where he wasn't happy with his pay and took something else instead. Here's yer bullet fuckwit. Lamar cracks me up with his shit. And there's Wade...yeah, i enjoy his lines, he's just odd. Reminds me of a human pet really. good boy.
  18. the iphone app is some serious BS. fucker don't even work. The LS custom plate shit. WTF? I can't have Groovy cause some fuck took it? Seriously? luckily ya don't need it for Chop. can do all the Chop stuff when actually takin chop for a walk in game. And i'm not impressed that i found a shit load of different guns around the map and spent a good 5 hrs doing it, only to find they were all removed from my weapon wheel with the exception of the ones unlocked in ammunation, after loadin my game up today! bull-fuckin-shit!!!!!!!!!!!! so pissed! the reticule is way too small, i also can't see where the fuck it is half the time.
  19. lol, yep it is the states after all, and the rd signs are in miles, so makes complete sense to b in miles, but still want my km if i can get it. Trivial i know....
  20. so i may be over tired, and too fried...but i can't seem to find a way to change the minimap from miles to km. i'm a Canuck, so i want km dammit. lol suppose it don't really matter, but i'd rather km. Any help is appreciated. thx
  21. right side of dude behind counter, 3 free weapons...depending on what ya got, on top of each other. smg, the bullpup, then pistol. took me a sec to see em....
  22. nice grab, and i was supposed to be getting ready fer work. Not readin articles.....lol
  23. stick a spoiler tag on that dude.... scale is off a tad on the black one, but still impressive.
  24. Ditto. He looks like Ray Liotta to me, who did the voice of Tommy. that's funny. i was thinkin it looked like Ray Liotta also. he's got great work. i never knew who he was, well his name, but i do know that artwork.