hey all. been lurkin on the site for a while now, just officially joined today tho. good site here, feeds my fix for info on gta v, which, after seein the online vid today, am beyond psyched for.
I'm an easy goin 420 gamer, not into trollin other ppl's fun. looks like i may need some more friends to game with online to avoid the trolls ya know. i mainly use xbox but will be playin on both consoles. just have my brother as a friend on ps3, so if yer groovy, add me. same with xbox, looks to me like having a huge diversity of friends will be a huge benifit, so please add me up.
i'm a major co-op player, not much for deathmatch anymore. i've found as i got older, i straight up suck at any deathmatch. have bursts of awesome rounds here and there, but nuthin like when team fortress first hit the pc.....yeah see i'm old. lol
i'm soon to be 38 so i prefer playin with ppl 25 and up, not a huge thing if yer below that age, just prefer my peer age is all.
also, if ya know where this name first came from, what game is what i mean, make damn sure u add me! lol was such a fun game.