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Everything posted by Jizzy

  1. Does friend priority work with Buzzard missles? I hate locking onto friends in vehicles when you're in the buzzard, and the buzzard might lock on to the blimp...
  2. Awards mean nothing to me. How many Grammys has Lil Wayne won? If the movie is like it is advertised, it's nothing like the novel. The novel is a black comedy. It is in no way a heart warming story.
  3. Still haven't caught Gravity. Probably will skip it, because I haven't heard anything positive about it besides the special effects. I just watched The Lego Movie. Good for a children's movie, but still a children's movie. Lots of pop culture references that will make you laugh slightly, and a couple of good laughs. If you have a kid, and he/she tries to talk you into seeing The Nutjob, take him to The Lego Movie instead. 5/10.
  4. http://www.joystiq.com/2014/03/21/assassins-creed-unity-announced/
  5. I bitched the whole Shotgun deathmatch, then I won. I also am troll of the week, right Wiggin?
  6. It wasn't as bad as Dup's race down the mountain... First time I've thrown a controller in years.
  7. I'm glad you guys had a great time without me. I'll try to stay next time.
  8. Sorry I disappeared... I had prior obligations I had forgotten about...
  9. I came here to say that I don't like using bongs. You guys can hate but I'm a pipe guy. Joints are cool, never smoked a blunt. Not interested. That is all.
  10. Jizzy

    The Last of Us

  11. Gtaforums says the Adder is faster. Here are the stats some guy posted there. Turismo: Top speed ~8.1 Acceleration ~8.8 Braking ~3.7 Traction ~8.0 Adder is: Top speed 8.6 Acceleration 8.0 Braking 3.3 Traction 7.6 Entity is: Top speed 8.3 Acceleration 8.2 Braking 2.7 Traction 8.3
  12. How is the Vestra besides how it looks?
  13. Jizzy


    I was more directing the post at Cuda and Q, but if you really want to be a jackass..
  14. Jizzy


    Thanks for hijacking the topic, guys.
  15. Jizzy


    Nice guys, nice.
  16. Jizzy


  17. There's no rule for them to go forward or use John's story.