Wow didn't know we were so touchy on here bout characters. Their is a gazillion people in the game and mentioning one as a hacker is considered a spoiler? Okay well that sucks for random pedestrian one that was a hacker back in 1998 or female 711 clerk who did a stint in a womans prison for hacking a atm. Sheesh whatever people that was not a spoiler get over it
Exactly because cops don't carry duffel bags around but armored transport personnel carry bags of money around and nobody bats a eye. An what about if they have atm machines in the game Tech Support outfits for the ATM's so you can hack them an take money from them?
I would kinda like the wanted system to be similar not exactly like it but similar to Skyrim, you are caught doing something the cops comes up and asks you hey why'd you do that unless it was murder and if your like Michael in a suit and all that you could possibly bribe the cop or just pay the fine. Or say screw it and fight them or surrender Also just realized your poll is kinda redundant if the police are more realistic especially in a LA setting your going to end up with more violent police but if you want less realistic police but more forceful than your getting the same thing
From what I read was the GTAO is totally separated from GTAV therefore Money, CCTV, Cars, Theft System, everything in GTAO is totally separate from GTAV
True about the whole duffel bags and stuff but what about the money delivery people? They sometimes have to pick up as well an if I remember in one of the trailers you are taking out a armored truck...