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Everything posted by Ghostman

  1. Dio's new ride. Spot anything funny about the photo?
  2. Ghostman

    Keypad Secret?

    I think once heist are enabled we will be using the hack program on the phone a lot more so might as well get use to it now.
  3. Oh another thing. If you have a car that has been destroyed and you need to call Mors do it from one of your other insured cars. Mors will deliver it to your garage so you don't have to go and fetch it from them.
  4. Otiz's flying skill. I was appalling last night couldn't shoot, couldn't fly, couldn't drive, couldn't walk and just being a terrible GTA player. I will work on my lameness later
  5. Yeah still got the money.
  6. Ahhh what the truck did the funky chicken now I get yeah.
  7. Yeah, true. Espically when they start spinning. There might be away though
  8. Dio it looks like you could of done with a descent helicopter pilot.
  9. Just thought of another idea. How many people own tanks and a military jeep? Just thought of a funny photo.
  10. Sorry I won't have any excuses next week as I have deleted all the photos so have room for 96. I got an idea for some crazy shenanigans for next week involving a parked lazer a flying helicopter and people flying through the air. Then another one involving a bus full of people hovering over the streets a LS via a cargo bob to see if a bus full of people can fly. See if you can park a tank inside of a Titan.
  11. I was tempted to and do some bush wacking myself. I was tempted to and do some bush wacking myself.
  12. Hay guys, well hey guys who haven't bought everything. You can get 10% discounts if you stalk the likes of warstock cache, ls customs etc. Check it out on lifeinvader on the social club. That's just a few of them.
  13. Yes, it was a fun night. A few members though were messing around in the bushes I didn't want ask what they were up to as that is their own business.
  14. Pissed myself laughing, that is such a true statement if it shots of Tracey's underware then it is of topless sun bathers. People need to get out more. Tits in real life are so much better than animated tits.
  15. I am a teapot and this is my spout so I will see you all tonight
  16. One garage like many others probably full to the brim with modded adders.
  17. Yeah like me. I will find my precious ring wait no um my precious jet pack. Muuuwhhhhaaa
  18. that could be gone by now... i am hearing that the covert sweeps are taking place right now... That will be fine by me. I didn't earn the $2b so not really that bothered. I gave up getting rid of the money so have spent some doing cars up. It was nice not to worry about money.
  19. Does anyone remember GTA London 1960's? I thought that was great fun, hopefully they can do London at some stage. I would love to hunt bounties all over the world.
  20. Oh I give up, just shot a bounty thinking 9k nope 2b. Another email to rockstar but I ain't creating a second character anymore they can come and collect when ready. It's annoying as I am good at hunting bounties and I even troll for them and 9k is more than enough. I even know when they are driving their personal car.
  21. great, now amazing landscape shots will be ruined with the instagram look ... Don't worry Bones I will keep to taking them without using instagram effects. Although in real life we use filters on DSLR.
  22. Yarp, borders and filters. plus in selfies you can change your facial expression.
  23. Ace, Dio and me enjoying the festivities. Snow might come earlier than you think as I seen pictures with snow in already. Ace looks scary This ped had been naughty so ACE filled him full of holes Me getting ready to fly and deliver the presents Because I Dirty jackal every time I see a sunset Ace's brother looking all gangster Ace's family photo Pure comedy Ace with his Sabre, Canadian Flag and you can just make out ace Elfercide Merry Christmas Everyone