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Everything posted by Ghostman

  1. Well that excludes ace, Dio, dups, double for me (to the point where I shouldn't even be online), goose, big boss, bmx, wait the hell with make the list it's everyone. Perhaps she should play with bones and you. Girls generally build confidence in each other. Then when gta girl is on ps4 we get her involved to continue building her confidence. Then in 3 years introduce her to the rest and then finally in 1,000,000,000,000 years introduce her to me. I could take her flying with UFO/jet pack as we might have found it by then.
  2. Couldn't focus properly on ace as the boat was moving This actually didn't come out that well. Dodo has other ideas about staying in the shot We are sailing. Ace farted This was a close up of mercy which for some reason ended up being the boat. Look at the sequins. That is some nice detail. its a whole new world. Women should feel empowered Otiz's flying
  3. Lets start with what dio wanted. Some non-crude photo's As you can see Rockstar have really worked hard on stopping the same car spawn over and over again! Oh wait no they haven't. Will agree the new depth of field and focus lot is great. Hanging around waiting to get the photo dio wants. The new face mask are amazing. She knows what she is about to do. Pout those lips. Just need to swallow Improved draw distances. My character okay maybe he doesn't look like channing.
  4. In single player you get the garage, bullpup shotgun, hammer etc from the start and so far none of that is unlocked plus you can't call the old blimp which was part of the preorder of the original. The thing is I do have the the carbon RS and hotknife for free but what about the rest. Did you get all the original items?
  5. I take it us Collector edition guys don't get that anymore in single player? That makes me mad. Plus night time is so so dark.
  6. After playing this evening although I could just be tiered I find myself a little disappointed. Yeah the graphics are amazing and first person view has it's laughs but really there ain't much more. Okay single player has a few additional like more wildlife and a few extra side missions but everything else is the same. Online just the same as before although we do have a few new vehicles and weapons but that's DLC territory. Oh well I will go and catch up on sleep tonight and then on Friday when I am off give it a chance.
  7. Well at least your character looks like you want it to be.
  8. Well the patch I am downloading is 1.14GB.
  9. We'll that first patch isn't small is it.
  10. Owwww just hurt my back doing backflips. Only 2hours and 53 minutes until I can play. Heheehhehhehehew So the ones who have already started playing what is the best part of gtav so far?
  11. Well game is open till 17:30 she has time. P.s I did ask if I could pick up your copy but they didn't recognise your name as RJC or Mercy plus I needed a receipt.
  12. How about a mini gta online ps4 night tonight? I will be on later. Anyone in the creator if we can have blimps as vehicles then stay away as I bagsy the first blimp race!
  13. We'll I missed you guys last night. Perhaps I will see some of the more adventurous online to night.
  14. Come on Emily just do almost like the carling advert and escape from work. I can't take much more of destiny!
  15. Now should I go and get it at midnight or wait till the morning. Hmm either way it is preordered. I am thinking morning.
  16. That is so funny with the hooker. I know my first port of call.
  17. Will the blimp be online as well? Blimp race anyone?
  18. Well we waited this long so we can continue to wait. What do you reckon the excuse will be at the first DLC. Maybe the old excuse of "it's harder that we thought it would be". First person doing heist is going to be awesome!
  19. I am confused heists are coming in the first update? Haven't rockstar also said the update is on launch day to optimise the game further so do that means heist are available from the on set or on update 2.
  20. Well I am hoping they learnt from the last time. What I might do is wander online see if it's safe and message you. Yeah that party party is good fun. Mercy, big boss, I kill you and I were using it last night. Big boss was playing FIFA while the rest of us was in destiny.