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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Y-y-y-yes sir, as you command. *removes masking tape and opens back door*
  2. It works for me, I just reported uh... someone.
  3. I didn't realise she was showing any cleavage, I was looking at her face. But now you mention it, yeah I see it now. Yes yes of course, you're married, you only have eyes for your wife. You were being a gentleman. You're a registered blind person. You were only checking to make sure she didn't have anything concealed down there (lol), etc.
  4. We'll try that one tomorrow, k? It's ok, Massacre's still working his way through central Siberia at the moment. And once he's done there he's off on a tour promoting peace across Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. So you're quite safe... for a few weeks anyway. *Returns to the forums* *Replaces armored gas mask with leisure gas mask* Now, what's all this about? B-b-b-b-back doors sir.
  5. Obvious cleavage shot is obvious, but i'm not complaining mind you. And apparenly men always have sex on the mind, who's fucking fault is that?!
  6. I still want my 50ft tall statue.
  7. Exactly, charity boobs are the best.
  8. You tell me this AFTER i've given you £10? And I didn't even get any boobs for it.
  9. *puts masking tape over back door* HAH! There's no way through that! Do your worst.
  10. *checks back door is locked* (If you get my meaning. )
  11. It's ok, Massacre's still working his way through central Siberia at the moment. And once he's done there he's off on a tour promoting peace across Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. So you're quite safe... for a few weeks anyway.
  12. I'd smash that! Too bad you went out drinking from 2pm and got smashed off your tits and left me home alone... Quick! Demon here's your chance!
  13. Paperboy, I remember playing that on my sister's Commodore 64.
  14. Hug me, brother? *hugs in a completely masculine and non-gay way*
  15. I'd smash that! Too bad you... oh, wait. *walks away whistling nonchalantly*
  16. That was just... I don't know what.... Just.... I know, even Massacre isn't that harsh. He's like a gentle breeze caressing my scrotum by comparison.
  17. If you want my money, the African children have it all... go and beat them up and get it, and while you're at it enslave them and ship them thousands of miles to work in my fields please. It's the most politically correct thing to do.
  18. I have quite a few from different eras of my gaming life. Early 90s - Sonic (Sonic 1, 2, 3 and S&K) Late 90s - Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango) Early 00s - Tommy Vercetti (GTA: Vice City) Late 00s - John Marston (RDR)
  19. Nice photo. I like the scenery. Are those animals eating sand and stone? lol. Pretty eyes! I see your buddy is agreeing with me and about to give you a seal of approval on your cheek haha. LOL! The way you just "randomly" happened to remember that link is so funny. I think we've not had cuter spam here before. Hitting on Psy's sister eh Demon? He's only doing it because Koko doesn't post on here any more.
  20. I did, and I still didn't get any boobs. Not even QD's pepperoni slices.