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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. ViceMan


    I wish they hadn't retconned power armour to be shitty with the fusion cores, only T-45s should need those. You should be able to buy an everlasting fusion core for a hefty price, or just have it so more advanced models don't need them, perhaps a mod for the chest piece that gives it its own internal power supply.
  2. ViceMan


    Yeah any upgrades applied to your armour definitely don't work. But unique armour bonuses i'm not sure about, Q reckons they still do so i'll agree with him.
  3. ViceMan


    It happens when you hit level 20 and aren't near the crash site. But yeah i've never actually seen it, just hear a whoosh, a comment from my follower if I have one and the trail of smoke. And I don't think so bOnErs.
  4. ViceMan


    $60 is pretty irrelevent when they arbitrarily value everything.
  5. ViceMan


    Hmmm, i'm not that excited by these. Robot building sounds somewhat interesting though.
  6. I like how the Verlierer description says its a V8 but if you look at the engine its clearly a V12.
  7. I miss the plane takedowns, easy 30k. I guess that's why they haven't reenabled them. I managed to grind enough to get the Verlierer in the sale though.
  8. ViceMan


    After you've finished the main story you can carry on doing everything as normal, building included. Preston will still give you radiant quests to secure settlements if you haven't done so already, assuming you're not avoiding the clint.
  9. ViceMan


    Ah the Temple of Clints, the guy in Quincy? That is what it says, right? You missed a gap between the L and the I though, apart from that jolly good effort.
  10. ViceMan


    How the hell do you use the fusion core ability for the nuclear physicist perk? Not that it matters now as it was for my last character, but it never was explained to me.
  11. ViceMan


    For a moment there I thought you'd done all that research Dio. Bear in mind for melee the perk is bugged on the final rank.
  12. ViceMan


    What is it with killing raiders who are leaning on railings, they go flying off into the air with so much force like a rubber band that's just been snapped. I know it's because they're stuck in an animation but I don't understand the exact reasons for it. Whatever it is it's fookin' funny. The ones on the gantries above Corvega are the best place to see it.
  13. ViceMan


    Annoyingly so can NPCs, actually Preston seems to be the worst for that so you could say i'm returning the favour.
  14. ViceMan


    Gun nut isn't so vital if you're prepared to wait to find a gun with the mod on it you want, which will probably take a while. I just went into the museum, fought through the raiders, went to the room with Preston and grabbed the bobblehead and Robco Fun then left before he could finish saying "I don't know who you are but your timing's impeccable."
  15. ViceMan


    Super sneaky should always be Railroad, Institute not so much - but obviously they'd be a laser weapon user. My Brotherhood guy was pretty tough, think I took four ranks of toughness perk and three in rad resistance, he didn't turn out to be as much of a brawler as I expected. Once I started using the explosive shotgun that was pretty much it in terms of combat and I still couldn't get away from using scoped weapons at long range despite not being a sneaky character. I've started a new character who is my Railroad agent, she's just reached Diamond city at level 4, didn't even go to see Preston. But I need to go into the museum to get the bobblehead. I'm still playing on very hard mode (I turned it down from survival) so i've been dying a lot as her endurance is very low.
  16. There's a sale on all vehicles added in the Executives update. Typical it's just after I got the Nightshade.
  17. ViceMan


    I believe when he's run out of mini nukes he charges at you and detonates his fusion core jihadi style. Hence why he's called Boomer. I never saw that myself because I picked him off from long range and last time I played I brought a fat man and gave him a taste of his own medicine.
  18. ViceMan


    Eh, it gets a bit repetetive doing spoilers all the time. I just did that for a laugh. The raider at Zimonja called Boomer, I thought he was a boomer.
  19. ViceMan


    Mercer safehouse can be any settlement location really, mine was at Murkwater and because it was my first playthrough I assumed I had to build the [REDACTED] there. Imagine, a [REDACTED] sitting in a shitty pool of water in a swamp. Fuck spoiler tags, I can't be arsed to type them out. Suffice to say next time I play as the Railroad i'll ignore their advice on where to build it.
  20. ViceMan


    I was told to build it at Murkwater in my first playthrough, that was fun. There are 120 magazines to collect, not sure if that's counting the You're Special book as you can't put that in the rack. And how to give hints to where bobbleheads are without just giving the location away. I think i've mentioned the agility bobblehead's location previously. The strength is in a place where you have to go for a mission towards the end.
  21. ViceMan


    Yeah same for me in regards to the end Dio, that's why I did it that way. Just north east of Medtek research and east of Malden middle school a short walk is a bubble car with a Jangles the moon monkey in it, take it if you want some fun. Save beforehand if you're low level.
  22. ViceMan


    Dio you took the same route as me it seems, not that I intended it to happen that way.
  23. ViceMan


    For the sake of RP I made my last character clean cut, no facial hair etc. After the bombs fell I turned him progressively more ragged, he ended up looking like Elder Maxson.