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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. ViceMan


    My 50 cal hunting rifle had unlimited ammo capacity on it, but it fired so slowly, I think it's fire rate was 3. I changed it for one that fires 25% faster and reloads 15% quicker, now it has a fire rate of 4. I rarely use it though, stick to my combat rifle with improved VATS hit and 25% less AP cost. Was considering changing that for one that causes enemies to frenzy though, so I don't have to use my 10mm for that any more. And 50 cal rounds are caps for me, got over 4000 of 'em and i've only got the second rank of scrounger. That plus 5mm and 5.56.
  2. ViceMan


    Synch, my syringer was fully upgraded. Its the syringes themselves that don't work, although i've only used the berserk syringe, the others seem quite pointless. I tried going up against the mirelurk queen and her kin on Spectacle using only my shotgun, a jet and psycho. She took about 10-12 hits to go down but I took almost no damage as she was always reeling from the hits.
  3. I had Red Dead as a topic in the news app on my phone, I got pissed off and removed it because cunts are still putting out articles with the exact same info from 8 months ago. The "ex-Rockstar employee" leaking details of Legends of the West and how there'll be three characters etc. etc. They're all exactly the same articles nearly word for word - hardly news, more like clickbait. RAWR.
  4. ViceMan


    I could've sworn I picked up a black BOS uniform from a lancer on a crashed vertibird, gave it to one of my provisioners then sort of realised how rare they are. When I found him and took it off him it was an olive green one instead, so Brandis must be the only way to get them then. Looks like I need to start getting pickpocket perks. Do the berserk syringes actually fucking work on anything? Every time i've used them it says the enemy "is too powerful" for it to work. No worries though as i've got an enraging 10mm pistol - the one that makes enemies berserk when hit with a critical, which always works regardless of enemy. The syringer is therefore pretty pointless now.
  5. ViceMan


    I have not been near the minutemen this game, aside from drugging Mama Murphy to death and then decapitating her and leaving her body in the street in sanctuary for Preston to walk past repeatedly. I haven't even repaired the place for Sturges. It's a shame really because I chose the castle as my base of operations this time, and the mirelurk queen corpse and all the mud and egg piles are stuck there. They don't disappear until the minutemen control the castle again, so i'm debating whether to talk to Preston so it can be cleaned up.
  6. ViceMan


    The future choice that i've mentioned previously; Whew that wasn't fun to type out on my phone. Edit: actually the game should prompt you if a quest will make another faction hostile, asking if you want to go through with it (see second spoiler.)
  7. ViceMan


    Don't worry Q, I knew what you meant before. Yeah the simplification of skills has made the game worse IMO, now you can't put points into big guns at every level to make you better at using them, you have to invest perks into improving your skill.
  8. ViceMan


    Well the quest at Mass Fusion That's all I know, in my first playthrough the brotherhood and railroad both survived. Just discovered the infinite grenades for provisioners also extends to nuka grenades, if you want some explosive fun on your travels be sure to try it. I also tried giving them a homing beacon from the Yangtze, didn't work though.
  9. ViceMan


    I need to do a dedicated railroad playthrough after this one.
  10. ViceMan


    Kleo's terminal is novice level anyway, there now.
  11. ViceMan


    Just picked up an instigating fat man off of a legendary vampiric bloodbug, it also had three mini nukes on it. Good job it didn't have opposable thumbs too.
  12. ViceMan


    Have you read her terminal above the shop?
  13. ViceMan


    Well yeah Danse, but the whole Brotherhood questline will make that awkward. Last time I did Blind Betrayal...
  14. ViceMan


    I just couldn't get past the accent and general "i'm a robot" naivety... It was bad enough the first time I met Cait. Maybe this time i'll fuck her though, hell I regret not romancing Hancock just for shits and giggles. But my guy is gonna be full on right wing brotherhood, so necrophilia is probably a bad idea. But he's also a sleazy drug-addled cunt of a guy so I dunno, Curie may have to watch out.
  15. ViceMan


    Oh I thought most people knew about the cave by now. The vertibirds flying around can sometimes be fun, last night I had one crash onto my head while fighting a group of raider veterans and one legendary, it nearly killed me but not quite. One of my earliest memories of that point in the game was when I was building up Starlight drive-in with my first character, I think i'd just built some stuff that looked nice, had a few settlers etc. Then I saw a vertibird flying around in the distance, I go back to building only to turn round minutes later and see it pretty close and spinning wildly directly towards me and my settlement, eventually crashing into the parking lot of the drive-in, on the bit I hadn't built on yet luckily but it was close enough to do considerable damage to me and my settlers. The brotherhood farm missions are bugged, as long as you don't kill the settlers Tegan will always send you back to the same one; for me it's Nordhagen beach this time, which is pretty close the the airport. The FMS Northern Star, nobody's mentioned that yet; And also;
  16. ViceMan


    They don't really serve any purpose though as there are no nearby enemies to alert or traps to trigger. Jusy tested the strength of the mirelurk queen at Murkwater, she easily took down the annihilator sentry bot mk.2 at the bunker to the north, then the behemoth, which i'm not surprised about as they are weak as shit. But still, the sentry and behemoth only took her to 1/3rd health.
  17. ViceMan


    The cheeky monkeys;
  18. ViceMan


    Nah as I said I took the chem resistant perk so I can't get addicted, making junkie weapons obsolete.Was the mission at bunker hill? As for shit flying everywhere I do enjoy that, makes me feel less pivotal in the world. My favourite is still the behemoth in Lexington, coupled with the raider carrying the fat man on the billboard above. As soon as you even go near there you hear several booms, the roar of the behemoth and a lot of carnage, he usually finds his way to Corvega to do battle with the raiders there after killing the ghouls.
  19. ViceMan


    My guy is a complete junkie; got chem resistant and adamantium skeleton maxed out, plus chemist, toughness, lockpicking and all the usual perks. No sneak ones though as i'm forcing myself not to take them, I still play sneaky... can't help it as the AI is too stupid not to warrant using it.
  20. ViceMan


    I prefer Pickman's blade, but I use a unique ripper anyway.Who was your favourite companion in KOTOR Sexy? Mine has to be Trask Ulgo, that guy... He's hilarious. The second game, not as good as the first, a shame it was so unfinished. Not Obsidian's greatest game - hey look I brought the conversation back to Fallout.
  21. ViceMan


    Also notice the buried statue at the bottom of said well. TBH i've not used Kremvh's tooth at all, it's just for display.
  22. ViceMan


    I have no idea, after they didn't work I saw no reason to go back there. I'd imagine what you get is it, no more.
  23. ViceMan


    Did you try using the beacons you get from that? They didn't seem to work for me.Also did you know you can give Buddy any drinks and he'll make them ice cold versions. Nuka cola, beers, dunno about water though.
  24. ViceMan


    I've only got up to level 60ish with my second character, I think my first hit 55, my current is on 47(?) I don't think I could play as the same character all the way to 100, grinding the radiant minutemen or brotherhood quests over and over, ugh... There are 5.
  25. ViceMan


    Cait is easy to fuck... now Strong, that guy i've been trying to woo for ages to no avail. Guess my character's homoerotic lust for mutant cock shall go unfulfilled.