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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Yes it is disturbing... it's not like I played GTA when I was that young or i'd be totally messed up in the head by now.
  2. GTFO Loc. Oh and... For y'all proud americans who weren't even conceived back then.
  3. Too much info, need to make the spoiler tags unclickable to stop me reading them you dumbfucks.
  4. ViceMan

    The Sims

    Meh, anyway... That video didn't really sell it for me, they keep using the word "intuitive" but is it really? We could shape faces to that degree in TS3, if you could be bothered to go into that much detail of course which I never did. I'm sure it'll be the same here, I can't see the point of fine tuning a nose to that degree manually, I just ended up using the default shapes. If they add some of the things from TS2 which they removed in TS3 then they might be back on track... but at the moment it's just looking like a slightly polished TS3. The sims don't look any more realistic, the only thing I did like was that you can choose their gait, lets hope there's more than 5 to choose from though.
  5. The slimy bastards...
  6. Connor was a lot like Altair in many ways, I didn't really connect with either. They both got angry at strange and minor things and sounded kinda boring when they spoke. I'm hoping Edward will be more charismatic and personable like Ezio.
  7. I won't be buying it on release day or anytime afterwards because I don't want to detract from either game. I like to get fully immersed in a new game when I play it, I wouldn't want to keep jumping back and forth from being a pirate roaming the Caribbean to stealing cars and robbing jewelry shops. Once i'm sufficiently done with GTA V (can't believe i'm even thinking that) then i'll get AC IV.
  8. Is the nigga wut in reference to the fact that that's probably Grove Street, or because the telephone poles are fading into the sky?
  9. I am seriously fucking happy right now, this is a good moment. One that i making me really feel excited about a GTA game, like back when I was 16 with SA. I am salivating at the penis.
  10. ViceMan


    You can have 1 robot companion, either ED-E or Rex, as well as 2 humanoid companions. 2 human companions? You can only have one.
  11. ViceMan


    Is there a mod that allows you to be healed by radiation sources? It would make sense if he's a ghoul not to be harmed by it. It would add an entirely new element to the game, rather than avoiding rad you'd seek it out to be healed by it, you could live in Searchlight or Vault 34 with the other ghouls... The way I say that makes it seem as if i'm xenophobic towards ghouls. "Git back t' where ye came from yer no good dirty stinkin' ghoul! Takin' our jobs an' women!!" Saying that I always get a chuckle out of the ghoul dancers in Gomorrah.
  12. ViceMan


    I don't think i'd ever be that brave, i've only just started using melee weapons in this playthrough. Katana and ripper for me at the moment.
  13. ViceMan

    Classic Titles

    I'm just going to list some of the memorable titles I owned or played back in the day, i'll stick to just the Megadrive ones for now though; Sonic 1,2, 3 S&K Ecco the Dolphin (fucking hard game) Streets of Rage Mortal Kombat Micro Machines Tiny Toons Adventure Buster's Hidden Treasure (like an inferior version of Sonic but it had its good parts.) Mega Lo Mania (another fucking hard game) Jurassic Park Home Alone Flashback Honourable PC mentions for; Sam & Max Hit the Road Day of the Tentacle and another not as classic but still classic title from Lucasarts (R.I.P.) Grim Fandango
  14. ViceMan


    I like being followed by raiding parties, either NCR or Legion. You can get some decent loot off of them to repair your weapons or sell. They tend to spawn around the same areas I find, one being the beginning of the road up to Jacobstown, one somewhere heading out towards Nellis, I can sort of tell when they're going to appear based off of where I am. Also having ED-E (who I always have as a companion) helps, if you see a bunch of enemy indicators on your compass then my advice is scan that area with a scoped weapon or binoculars to determine if it is an assassin group, you can do some fair damage to them before they get in range of you. If you're good at sneaking you can probably take them out before they even get a shot off. I have made it my mission in this playthrough to eradicate every group of Cazadores and Deathclaws in the wasteland. Wiped out the cazzies around the beer bootlegging shack and in the far north-east by Camp Guardian, most of the Deathclaws around Gypsum rail yard and along the I-15 (not done Quarry Junction or the Deathclaw promontory yet, saving those until I feel suicidal.) I prefer guns for taking down Deathclaws, one shot from the anti-materiel rifle can pop their heads, but i'm doing quite well with my fully modded laser rifle at the moment, can kill them before they get close... but that's only individual Deathclaws, not groups at a time.
  15. ViceMan


    You mean the Bright Brotherhood I assume? Aliens...
  16. ViceMan


    It's all the same really, you just upgrade the securitrons one way or another beneath The Fort. One way they work for you, one way they work for House.
  17. ViceMan


    I haven't played Fallout NV as much as Skyrim, there are still quests I haven't done. I've done an NCR victory, a Legion victory, working for Mr. House... but I haven't done an independent Vegas, so I intend to do that on my next playthrough. I normally use guns rather than energy weapons, although my last character used them so I don't know what to do, i've never tried specialising in melee and unarmed combat so maybe I should give that a go. I just don't want it to detract from my other skills. Hmmm...
  18. ViceMan


    That's why I pitted them against each other in that way, I went for the organised, de facto army against one another and the more impromptu, small scale uprising against each other too. I didn't do Legion vs Imperials for the reason you said, they are both based on the Roman Empire. But maybe there could be a winner vs winner and loser vs loser battle afterwards. Also hi.
  19. ViceMan


    Oh yeah ED-E always helps out, he's (it's?) the one companion I always have around, you can avoid a lot of combat by sneaking around enemies. I was thinking of a Fallout vs Skyrim Deadliest Warrior last night, my lineup would look something like this; Giant rat vs skeever Centaur vs frostbite spider Radscorpion vs chaurus Nightstalker vs wolf Cazador vs sabre cat Lakelurk vs troll Deathclaw vs werewolf Ghoul vs draugr Ghost people vs Falmer Liberty Prime vs Ancient Dragon Super mutant vs giant Super mutant behemoth vs The Forgemaster The Fiends vs the Forsworn Legate Lanius vs Dragon Priest NCR Veteran Trooper vs Dremora Lord BoS Paladin vs Master Necromancer The Legion vs The Stormcloaks The NCR vs The Imperials I think the Fallout enemies would pretty much own the Skyrim ones in most battles. Not due to the fact they have modern weaponry, I just find Fallout enemies tougher overall.
  20. ViceMan


    I got ED-E early on, stayed far left hugging the mountains past Goodsprings, went past the Tribal Village and killed the Cazadores there (took fucking ages with a few dynamite and a 9mm machine gun.) Then somehow I managed to get through Bonnie Springs and into Vegas at level 2. I was quite proud of that, didn't have to see Nipton, Novac or Boulder City. My most recent character is a Legion associate who wears a bounty hunter duster and a recruit helmet. Likes sniping pursuing NCR Veteran Rangers with his anti-materiel rifle or brush gun. He helped the BoS regain a foothold in the Mojave before savagely wiping them out under Caesar's orders. He likes long walks along the beach hunting Lakelurks.
  21. Well the thing circled above it is clearly a UFO... or a Mexican hat.
  22. ViceMan


    What if those graphics were for an upcoming Fallout game?
  23. It's growing on me i'll admit. I'm still not sure about release day though, i'll still be caked in GTA V-related creamy goodness at the end of October, probably fused to my bed by that time...