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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Handed my notice in after 10 long years at work and now this news...
  2. So is that it? Or will there be more chosen at a later date?
  3. Do your best Fus Ro Dah!!! (While wearing an iron helmet.)
  4. "hai rockster can u pleez tell me d cheetz 4 d gaum gtA V fiVe, I wuld like 2 knu d 1 were u can turn tommy an cj in2 a shrak nd alsoo d 1 were fingerles glove r worn... thak u rockstarr u guyz rock lol..." In other news, is this the first time gameplay footage for an upcoming GTA game has been released? Mein memory ist getting foggy.
  5. Once you know where cougars spawn you tend to listen out for them. I even started sneaking up on them just north of MacFarlane's Ranch where the railway splits near the hill, you get them there quite often along with boars. If you're quiet they lay in the grass and you can approach them from behind and see how those fuckers like it being sneaked up on. I made a game out of it since they generally spawn in pairs, seeing how long I could last on foot against waves of them. *rambles on*
  6. Oh there's more where that came from. Get ready for this shiznit. *sits at desk and stares blankly into the void that is Massacre's corporeal form* Um, actually... can we reschedule?
  7. I'd imagine with the return of The Lost there'll be a mission involving Trevor chasing them down the motorway freeway on a Freeway while blasting at them freely in a free way.
  8. Quite a lot of places had unique preorder bonuses, remember with RDR, L.A. Noire and I believe Mafia II, certain retailers had specific items or missions you got which others didn't have.
  9. I didn't know cougars were part of Walton's Gang.
  10. ViceMan

    The Sims

    Most average computers can handle Sims 3, hell even my gf's shitty apple laptop can run it on medium settings. I've recently got a new comp with 16GB of RAM and it even takes a long time to load on that. However, i've started playing Sims 2 again just so I can run a shop. (Fuck EA for not releasing an OFB themed pack for 3.) That loads in roughly 40 seconds - about 10 times faster than the Sims 3 does.
  11. For offroading: Why do you think it's called a Sandking?
  12. I don't know, I liked the idea of feeling stranded deep in the woods without an easy means of transport to hand. Trying not to look at the map and working your way back to the nearest town just by using your instincts and knowledge of the area. I felt really relieved when I came across an abandoned car or quad bike.
  13. They do that on purpose to make it as frustrating as possible. Playing through the end of ACII a few weeks ago when you are carrying the POE to the meet with Borgia... You could see the dozens of people carrying crates waiting round corners ready to leap out on you when you pass through a certain trigger. It's funny how they conveniently decide to walk exactly where you are walking and bump into you.
  14. I guess if the protag is a pirate who doesn't obey the rules they can use that as an excuse for him not to do anything actually Assassin or First Civilisation related. "Fuck looking for ancient artifacts lets just drink rum and rape the women! Arrrrr!!!"
  15. I might think about getting this somewhere down the line, not right away though. It's very rare for me to be branching out into new games, although my last two conversions (Assassin's Creed and Skyrim) both proved successful.
  16. Reminds me of Vice City (and subsequently Scarface,) where when you completed the game and had all the businesses you'd get three Vercetti gang members spawn at the estate who would follow you round.
  17. I think most sources now agree on 70-80% of the map layout, just not the actual scale of it.
  18. ViceMan

    The Sims

    Yeah I was waiting to see that EP appear in TS3, but it never did. Really disappointing. Instead we got filler shit like Ambitions which just added a few careers and World Adventures, which, while the premise was good i've never even touched since. There are too many things to do and never enough time to send sims away on holiday, especially to go traipsing round tombs looking for treasure and getting sodomised by mummies. And now they are releasing another holiday themed one... why not just combine the two and we could've had Open For Business. Again the original Sims game did the holiday theme nicely, I remember in that I was always sending my sims away. Also, the neighbourhoods are too small to build decent communities, with all the extra buildings added in through various EPs that room is diminished further. There should be a neighbourhood creator where we can have a Sim City lite and shape our own terrain and place roads. A lot of the space on current neighbourhoods is too hilly to build on.
  19. ViceMan

    The Sims

    Sims 3 certainly lacks a lot of the things that made the Sims 2 enjoyable. The fact they have not and are not going to do a business/run your own shop EP yet they have released several EPs that are so lacking in content they could be condensed into one (Showtime and Late Night, World Adventures and the upcoming Island Paradise) is my major gripe. I loved Sims 2, all the EPs seemed to work together very well. You had proper restaurants with chefs and waiters who prepared your food (fuck, you even had them in the original Sims.) In Sims 3 all we get is a building where the sim walks into then reappears outside carrying a plate of food. You could run a shop selling any sort of shite imaginable and convince sims to buy it with a bit of persuasion, you could underpay your staff then fire them when they get pissed off. So many things they removed from 3 than have detracted from the overall experience. It's also annoying because 3 added a lot of good features too; seamless neighbourhoods, better customisation. I have all TS2 EPs and still think about playing them, but knowing that i'll be losing a lot of the features from TS3 stops me from doing so. And as for 4; the one teaser image I saw of three sim heads looked terrible, they look more cartoony than sims in 3. If that's how they're going to look in the game I don't think i'll bother.
  20. Yes, but very space hungry for the disc. When HVDs or SVODs have become norm and we can have a few terabytes on a disc then i'm sure all games will have that level of mo-capping.
  21. Oh, I just assumed you'd fallen over in a drunken stupor yet somehow managed to defy the laws of gravity and keep your pint from spilling in the process... Hence the face.
  22. 0:38 - 0:43 reminds me of R.A. The Rugged Man's style.
  23. "Simulate your prostitute to the highest level of accuracy. Define her (or his, eeewww you sicko) anal capacity, pubic hair colour and length, number of STDs, sucking style, response and excitement level. Choose from a wide array of customisable orifices to find the one that best suits your new whore, set the tightness or sloppiness and watch as your prostitute does the dirty in full, realtime clarity with different customers, set her rate and find her a location. It's all here in Prostitute Simulator 2014!!"