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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Yes you should. Definitely.
  2. So what's the bald look for Tanner? Reminds me of:
  3. I wonder how far taxis will take you out into the countryside, will they say "sorry no can do, I almost got raped by a huge, leather-clad bear out there last week."
  4. I had flashbacks from GTA IV of a drunk Niko wailing "YYYELLLOOOW CAR!!!" at passing taxis. That fucking cracked me up.
  5. I'm sure they've thought of that, there's no way they'll allow us to go on a jet rampage completely unopposed. Also the blimp is quite an interesting concept because of its characteristics, it would be quite a challenge to survive a 5 star assault in it, it might even be some sort of achievement. I'm wondering what would happen if a stray bullet pierced the hull, would the whole thing deflate and you'd go flailing like a limp penis to your death? Is it similar to the boats in GTA where you have to walk up to the controls to 'enter' the vehicle? And would it stay stationary while you aren't piloting it, allowing you to rain death down on everybody?
  6. Pre-ordered, Zidane-esque proud americany photo here I come!
  7. Oh, somebody already dun did it. Looking at the airport runways i'd say that seems roughly accurate. For the GTA IV one anyway which is the one that matters to me. So maybe it is slightly bigger than I expected.
  8. I was going by the scale of the streets more than anything. If we do what I said... "does anyone have a pic of the map scaled next to a portion of GTA IV's map?" Blahblahmumblemumble...
  9. Even if the Maps isn't released early by Rockstar ( or leaked ), GTA V's release date is only 4 months away. Plus Dups map makes me cry every time I look at it. It can't be that barren, sparse and desolate. It was promised that GTA V's game world would be the best GTA game world yet... You must be able to understand that the map Dup made is a representation based on what we know so far, of course it's going to be missing a few things, and as has been said repeatedly he hasn't finished it. Can't you just accept it for what it is? It's not as if Dup has insider knowledge on the exact topography of the map and placement of the towns, he's just speculating, and sometimes speculation can be fun... it passes the time.
  10. Thanks brah, I owe you one. One of what I don't know. Can't be truly Zidane unless i'm rocking the purple dildo in my bedroom, sneakily hiding in the back of my picture.
  11. Well, San Andreas' official site had the three areas of the map released over three consecutive weeks... or was it months. I remember when the Las Venturas area leaked on the site early. That was an exciting time, because we had seen something we weren't meant to see.
  12. Grow your hobo beard and take pics with the hat on. Show Zidane how it's done. I have got a beard on the return, but i'll probably have a shave between now and September then grow a fresh one. I'll definitely do that though, do you still sell your branded line of sex toys so I can have one lurking in the background of my picture?
  13. That's what she- Oh never mind. I do agree however that LS does look a bit small considering the portion of the map that's been shown does seem to reveal at least two thirds of the city, and from the scale of the roads... does anyone have a pic of the map scaled next to a portion of GTA IV's map?
  14. We have a different mentality to you though, and different laws concerning gun ownership. (Not that that ever stopped anyone.)
  15. Looks like an image taken directly from the game itself and not in the cinematic style. Kinda like the helicopter pic that was released quite early.
  16. I am actually considering getting the Collector's edition, it'll be the first time i've ever paid such an amount for a game, but when I saw it I thought "oooooh".
  17. I agree we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, let them sort their own fucking problems out and blow each other up, we've got enough of our own problems and yet we're on a crusade (no pun intended) to clean up the rest of the world's shit. Same deal with Africa, all this money we've been giving them since the 80's has really changed their way of life.
  18. Put simply, the good ol' "why don't they fuck off back to where they came from." It's because our country is weak... a pushover. Sometimes (not often mind you), I wish this country were more like America, at least they have the death penalty. Still, nowhere is immune to the effects of crazy religious fucktards who think they are working for a just cause.
  19. Any leaders make it worse, they won't admit the true cause of it is their fault (or their predecessors fault.) They just gloss over the truth and make their own, they don't live in the real world. They make it very easy for these people to get away with it, preaching their hate and breeding a new nation of extremists in our country. It's too late to do anything about it now too, they're already over here... Plus they breed profusely. Meh.
  20. I've noticed a lot of these noobs aren't taking their tickets when they enter, how will they receive their free anal inspection from QD? EVERYBODY! PLEASE SETTLE DOWN! ORDER WILL BE RESTORED! Okay everybody go out and come back in in exactly the same order but not backwards... I mean forwards... just settle down will you I mean forwards that isn't backwards, calm down people i'll give you your tickets just go out and come back in. How can you get a simple instruction so arse about tit? Look, just- FOR FUCK'S SAKE GO OUT AND COME BACK IN!!
  21. If they are blurring the line between the Assassins and the Templars should it be called Templar's Creed? Or does it matter semantically if a Templar happens to assassinate people, then they are a Templar assassin. There needs to be a distinction between the Assassin faction and just an assassin in general. What the fuck am I talking about?