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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. It is laughable that the AC 3 calendar that my mum bought me will still be up when AC 4 is released.
  2. How's that going to work? We just get thrown straight into the past storyline without any context as to what we're doing there? Also, if there's no Desmond then who is reliving these memories? Or are they just doing away with the animus and setting the game entirely in the 18th century? Also, I am assuming the protag is British. That won't bode well because as far as the rest of the world is concerned Britain isn't cool.
  3. No there isn't, Karthwasten is north of Markarth on the way to Solitude so I don't think you can count that.
  4. he's admiring the iron sword with a frost enchantment... in the second one i was passing gas... ivarstead will be a toxic wasteland for a few days until a wind from markarth pushes it to whiterun... Sorry to sound like a nerd but Ivarstead is south-east of Whiterun, therefore a wind coming to Ivarstead from Markarth would have to pass Whiterun.
  5. It seems Ubisoft listened to the fans with the naval combat, that was the best thing about ACIII. However the game itself was a little lacklustre and consequently I can't get hyped for any news about AC IV, which is a shame because i'd like to be.
  6. Can't beat the classic face. I can't tell if the bOnEs dragon is saying "COME ON THEN!!" or is just amazed by the fact it can fly.
  7. Mine ore veins, again I only did this in my first playthrough. Afterwards I couldn't be bothered and just bought ingots from blacksmiths. The pickaxe does come in handy for Hearthfire though. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, about the dragon
  8. Only certain shops will buy certain goods until you unlock the merchant perk in the speech tree. General shops such as Belethor's in Whiterun should accept gems and dragon bones (best to get rid of those as they are bloody heavy.) Clizick hurr fo' mo' info fo' sho' mah big-nippled negro. http://elderscrolls....ts_%28Skyrim%29
  9. Early on in game chopping wood is a good source of income, that and hunting deer on the plains of Whiterun then using their pelts to create armour. If you start exploring dungeons you'll soon be picking up plenty of loot to sell and won't need to worry about wood chopping, just make sure you go with plenty of carrying capacity available. It's knowing what to pick up; when I first played I was picking up cabbages, wine, goblets, plates and other shite... just because I could pick them up. By the time I get to level 40 i've got far too much gold anyway and don't bother picking up a lot of valuable stuff. I tend to not bother searching every urn for a few more flawless gems, I'll search the chests though as they often contain leveled enchanted gear.
  10. ViceMan

    XBOX One

    Console War: Eighth generation: Round 23: Fight! Too: Many: Colons: Anus.
  11. I want to use the scaled or hide armour on my Nord all the way through, either that or the Nordic carved armour. That would mean creating a game-breaking fortify smithing potion with the enchant-fortify restoration-enchant trick though.
  12. Same here, I have about 116,000. From that wiki page I posted apparently they will only agree if they are at home and not actually working at the mill. Seems odd but...
  13. I tried the lumber mill way, didn't seem to have any effect. When I asked at Half-Moon Mill the owner said no. Fuck that bitch.
  14. Don't get me wrong, tis a good add-on that I have been looking forward to. I feel by using these new gameplay mechanics on the PC version people could make some epic buildable houses.
  15. Good enough. *portal opens and green viscous tentacles emerge, pulling Massacre into the bleak depths of PS3 fanboyism*
  16. There are only four or five children available for adoption. Since they are all human and not mer and i'm playing as an Orc i'm not going to bother for the time being. I also got the letter from the Falkreath steward when starting the game, and one telling me Breezehome could be updated to accommodate children. I've finished the Falkreath one, I didn't know once something's been built it removes the other options. I wanted the enchanter's tower but i'd already built the storage room. Plus I accidentally did the storm call shout while in the house and all the furnishings went apeshit and are currently scattered all over the floor - i'm not clearing that shit up. Also it caused my bard to attack me and gave me a bounty... I CAN'T EVEN SHOUT IN MY OWN FUCKING HOME!
  17. Who knows what sort of crazy shit you get up to with that thing.
  18. So Hearthfire seems a little buggy, nothing game-breaking though. Mainly to do with the drafting table and carpenter's bench not displaying the correct things. Playing this had really made me want to get back into Skyrim modding on the PC, but i'm hesitant to until i've got a newer comp. I want to build my own home out in the sticks and eventually turn it into a small town with a forge, a general shop, inn and farm.
  19. Lurkers are pretty easy to beat with my melee "tough as fuckin' nails" Orc. Just keep circling while swinging my drain health Orcish war axe. I was reading about the Ebony Warrior and Karstaag... now they sound like a challenge. Pity the Ebony Warrior only appears at level 80 and i'll never reach that. Oh and what's the point of riding a dragon if you can't actually fly it yourself? Plus you have to wait for one to appear so you can tame it. Can you ride Odahviing? I haven't tried. By the time the shout meter has recharged to allow you to use bend will he'll have buggered off.
  20. I completed the Dragonborn quest a few days ago, I liked Apocrypha, it was a rather bizarre change from the norm. Also I had a mindcum when I first reached Soltheim, I noticed the volcano and just assumed it was on the island. Then I realised it was Red Mountain... My reaction was "ZOMGZORZ!!!!!!" I feel the need to play through as a Nord now just so I can have an excuse to use the Nordic Carved Armour and weapons.
  21. Wait, you've had it how long and you're only level 10? Did you start another character?
  22. Find some old games to trade in to recoup some of your losses. It'll be worth it.
  23. And remember you don't have to do missions, you don't have to do anything. You can spend hours exploring, clearing dungeons etc. Hunting animals to level up skills and collect their pelts is what I find best to do first thing.