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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Although it looks more crude graphics-wise I did notice the giants, trolls, Dwarven centurions and spheres look almost exactly the same as they do in Skyrim.
  2. See as i've never played a MMO before and I don't have as much free time as I used to i'm not sure I can be arsed.
  3. I have learned a surprising amount about the lore given that I only started with Skyrim. Anyway if it is FTP, I might consider getting it. I was in Winterhold while playing Skyrim a minute ago and thought i'd like to see what it looked like before the great collapse. (Hey I just referenced a JMT song without realising it.)
  4. Did you look at the link in my post above? It has gameplay footage, of course it looks nothing like the trailer I posted previously.
  5. It won't be. They know thay can make money out of it because people will pay to play. If it was FTP I might consider buying my first MMO game ever. But as I said it won't be. My hunches with MMO games ending up being a waste of money are entirely justified. That Star Wars Galaxies game that came out a good few years back looked good, but luckily I didn't fall for it, even when I was younger and more easily swayed it took a lot for me to part with my money. SW:TOR a while back also seems to have flopped like a giant dildo on a waterbed, this seems to be going the same route as that with the cartoon-like graphics so i'm sceptical about it. When I went into GAME today they were putting up ESO and GTA V posters. That is Gamespot though so take it with a dribble of lube.
  6. Must say it looks good, but that's not gameplay footage so it's kind of irrelevant. 3:20 onwards reminds me of AC.
  7. *disregards topic instructions* My telly is 81.2cm. Yeah, fuck the rules.
  8. Yeah I had it amputated and reattached correctly. My hand that is...
  9. I might be out of this one if i'm round my gf's house.
  10. Have been playing Skyrim again for a while now, before christmas at least. Getting to the point where i've exhausted my Orc playthrough, still haven't got the Oblivion walker achievement yet or all of the dragon priest masks, i'm well on my way to completing both of those in that playthrough though. But i've started another one - a female Imperial - which I started before when my old PS3 went kaput. She's going to be a bit of everything; archer, mage, warrior... probably not a thief though.
  11. Scouse electricity doesn't work like like the normal stuff. It relies on static generated by the immense power of hundreds of thousands of 80's style afro perms, if one scouser has a haircut it can potentially cause blackouts across Liverpool. True story.
  12. We should do a RDR event soon. I love that game. We had a lot of connection troubles with the last lot.
  13. So I spent half the match rolling around thinking people couldn't lock on to me while doing so... and still getting killed. Then about half an hour ago I remembered it was RDR where that was the case and not GTA IV. Oh well, third isn't bad for my first time playing in six months or more.
  14. If you're not using auto-aim then no. It's my first time playing in yonks and even when I was supposedly good I couldn't be bothered to aim manually.
  15. I'm a vanilla man, myself. I understand your country is terrible and doesn't have Vanilla Coke. Tried it when I was younger, fucking horrible stuff if I recall. Maybe that's why they don't bother selling it over here any more.
  16. So he can't really be called a guardian per se... I suppose he's an angel. Just a regular angel. Of God, or of He Who Walks Behind The Rows, or of the Walkin' Dude, or of the Devil, or what have you... Guarding doesn't necessarily relate to protecting, guarding just means watching over. He knows John's past life and may even be pushing him towards his eventual fate.
  17. Cherry coke isn't on the list? Fuck that. There's my answer.
  18. I guess modded and personalised cars would make some people drive more cautiously, and for those of us who don't it'd be a nice anecdote for later years in the forum retirement/mental home. "Did I ever tell you about the time I lost my sweet pimped out Sultan RS on top of Mount Chilliad? Rolled right off the side it did. Yup, them's were the days."
  19. I'm not making any promises as to what i'm actually going to do when I get the game, the only certainty is that I will ejaculate on the disc, on the manual and finally on the telly after seeing the R* logo. In game I will probably take a walk around briefly to get a feel of the ambience... or maybe a bike ride. If a nice car happens to pass by I will steal it and maybe go for a cruise in whichever direction i'm pointing (not which way my penis is pointing mind you.) I'll look out for peds doing different things and see if any actions catch my eye, then i'll probably try out the new melee system on a ped that looks the most retarded on the street - the one sniffing the park bench and fondling himself. After that who knows, I may try out the character switching system and repeat the process for each protag. My first epic road trip will probably be towards the countryside and Mt. Chilliad.
  20. As we discussed before, true submarines require a rather large crew to operate them and it would be laughably unrealistic for one person to steer successfully. In fact the thing in that screenshot is not a submarine, it is simply a submersible craft - there is a difference.