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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. For crafting and trading? I'm not sure, I know there's a book in the manor. But I don't think it's for that. The Scottish axe guys are grenadiers BTW, and the knives guys I think are the agiles replacement from previous AC games, although they are easier to beat as they don't resist combo kills.
  2. O to counter, slows down time so you can select which action you want to take (if you're that slow to choose an action anyway.) If they are regulars you can square to counter kill, then just mash square to combo kill the next ones too. If you press O and aim in a direction with the analog stick it will throw them, I never use that unless i'm near water, X disarms or stuns the target, good for grenadiers and officers as you can't counter kill them. You can also press triangle mid counter to use your ranged weapons, nice when Connor grabs them in a headlock and blows their brains out at point blank range. If you're facing Jaegers the only thing that works against them is being unarmed and disarming their weapon or using ranged weaponry (rope darts are especially good to pull them to the floor and go in quick with a blade as it doesn't waste ammo.) I'm assuming you know when their reticule has a red triangle it means they are attacking and you should press O to counter. You can do this while you are in the process of killing your previous victim. Oh and when two targets attack at the same time you can get a nice weapon-specific double kill. I nearly forgot this, but in the previous AC games I seem to remember you had to hold R1 to fight, in this you don't, so if you are holding R1 that's where you're going wrong. It confused me at first but I soon picked it up. (Adding bits as i'm going along as i'm playing at the moment:) Grenadiers have a special sweep attack when their reticule turns into a yellow triangle, you can roll out of the way of this with O, after which they are vulnerable to attack briefly, they also tend to knock other enemies down with this attack so you can use it to your advantage. Also, naval missions are great, but I finished them long ago and they aren't radiant. So if I want to do any more i'll have to use the replay option. I was hoping you could just freeroam at sea and blow shit up. I have only bought half of the upgrades for the Aquila, don't see the point of buying the rest now. All you really need are heated shot, the reinforced wooden hull, extra cannon and maybe the better swivel guns.
  3. Start with your least favourite porn, y'know the stuff you don't watch like the transexual porcine octogenarian anal fisting stuff.
  4. I imagine it'll be limited to buildings they know are going to be seen such as ones that make an appearance in missions, or ground level shops as has already been mentioned by GI.
  5. I'd assume there will be multiple storyline branches to take during the course of the game, perhaps depending on which characters we favour. If you play as Trevor a lot then one of the other two would no doubt become the antagonist, if you play all three equally it might give a completely different outcome later in game.
  6. We could argue for the sake of arguing, but then again it appears that's what has been going on anyway.
  7. So where do you think they're going next, will they carry on Connor's story. (I hope not, I found him quite dull.)
  8. I can understand there being no property buying. With three characters, each with their own savehouses it would get a bit confusing buying different houses for each of them, you'd be on your way back to a safehouse to save only to realise it's one of the ones that Franklin owns and not Trevor.
  9. I just can't imagine cops pulling up, running to the car door and letting a dog out. It doesn't seem like GTA. Well we'll see how they sort it out I guess.
  10. There should theoretically be a police van for the dog unit.
  11. Common occurence, animals seem to spawn in objects and often when killed they settle 2ft above the ground. On the Captain Kidd mission one of the wolves spawned in a tree and I couldn't kill it, I managed to run against the tree so much that it triggered the kill but then I got stuck in the tree and had to reload.
  12. Yeah I don't know why it reverts back to the standard colour, I don't remember it doing that in previous games. Also at the end of the game
  13. Between 30% and 40% i'd estimate. 33.33% would be ideal to make the 1/3rd city ratio correct.
  14. R* take the fun, memorable parts of the city, amplify them and remove the repetitive, boring bits that we won't want to see. That was the problem with L.A. Noire, being an exact replica of LA it got tedious driving down dozens of identical roads to get to a destination. With GTA they are free to cut bits out to make a more compact and concise city.
  15. If we use Marcus' estimate and assume 2/3rds will be country and 1/3rd will be LS - we're looking at anywhere between 14-16miĀ² of city space, still double that of LC.
  16. Well haven't read it all as it's midnight. But it looks promising.
  17. It says "LIFEGUARD" but the text is obscured by the spray. (That is the spray from the water in the screenshot, not the spray from people cumming over their computer screens.)
  18. And just like that the news shortage is over. Welcome to the days of milk and honey, we've weathered the storm, the famine, the brutal struggle for power in those bleak, dark nights of yesteryear and now we can all bask in each others ejaculate.
  19. Oh well i'll be out when it's released so I probably won't see it until tomorrow after work. Of course I could stick the computer on when I get in at 1am but I don't think i'll bother.
  20. Hey I have a great idea, lets all preorder GTA V from Comet!
  21. Eh, it'll be chaos, i'd rather stay indoors and avoid it. I don't need a 52" telly.
  22. Going with the LC mafioso thing, perhaps he'll reference the downfall of the families there after "some Russian prick fucked everything up and killed the don." (I know Niko wasn't Russian, but a lot of the characters assumed he was.)