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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Yes this is why I despise people in general. I see them for what they are.
  2. Maybe if I edit my own tiny penis and then blame it on Marney... Hey, who wrote that??! Marney!
  3. Well other people have different aspirations and motives and unfortunately they won't always tell you what they are. If you ask them how they feel they won't give you a straight answer, it would make things a lot easier in the long run but well, that's life i'm afraid.
  4. Erm, well I guess only you know the answer to that. Whatever's in your heart yo'. This is why i'm very hesitant to get into a relationship, women fuck with your head. I've learned to accept the fact that it probably isn't going to work out, that's why i've given up trying. Also i'd never go out with someone if I knew they were doing drugs, hell, I wouldn't even go out with a woman if she smoked.
  5. You do know Anti honky Machine is a song by Public Enemy, right? I listen to rap too. Matter of fact it's the genre I grew up listening to primarily. Also, show me where I said I hated SA, it's one of my favourite games ever, but I know when to let go of it unlike the little CJ fanboys who pray every night that he's in GTA V. My problem is not with SA, it is with those people. On the side here, how popular is rap in Blighty? Do you hear it from car stereos or the windows of flats frequently? Oh god yes, if you call the talentless shite that's churned out nowadays rap, I however do not listen to that stuff.
  6. People need to realise the difference between a calendar year and a fiscal year. They see 2012 and start jumping for joy. It isn't stated what it is there, but i'll still go with the bullshit theory.
  7. Why would your dream car be a mk.1 Golf? Out of anything you could choose in your wildest dreams; £500,000 supercars, £2,000,000 vintage Ferraris, etc. etc. and your dream car - that is the car that money out of the equation you would definitely buy is a Mk.1 Golf? Hmmm. I say my dream car is a DB9, but actually i'd say it was a DB5.
  8. Most of the games i've modded have used third party programs. Skyrim looks fucking easy to mod, official tools and even official tutorials for them;
  9. We'll come to an agreement; the protag's great-great-grandmother had an illegitimate child with a hispanic gentleman, so the protag is 1/16th hispanic. Okay?
  10. Add this to Massacre's list of sentences that i'd like to hear you say in your accent.
  11. I know this is late but most cats shit outside, what fucked up rules do you have in America? Our cat has a litter box and has used it once in 18 years.
  12. Don't be racist you fucking Paki!
  13. Of course they can. I am using humour to highlight people's apparent grievances... or maybe i'm not. You have to learn to read the post and understand the intonation of the poster. I am sarcastic like a motherfucker and people need to realise this. And that kid could only "roll" if you pushed him down a steep hill... or off a ravine preferably, fat proud american.
  14. White people don't do crime. *laughs uncontrollably* Oh wait, I used humour in a racist way. Shit.
  15. That's where one of the houses is in Hearthfire. I'll probably steal that guy's idea from the house by the waterfall mod, it's such a nice place. Others i'll try to designate an area that is well out in the sticks, not too near any other locations. If you buy Hearthfire you are a pedo, and since only xbox users can buy it... well, you do the logic.
  16. Well here's a few from my Paris collection. Most are of the architecture so I won't bore you with those.
  17. I doubt i'll be doing that many, I just wanted a few extra houses around to live in. I'll make those myself to my own specifications. I might download a few armour sets too.
  18. Well i've seen the creation kit, if there's a kit for modding I should easily be able to get into it. I've modded games through the raw code before with no dev kits whatsoever. San Andreas was pretty easy to mod even without third party programs since most of the data was in uncoded text files. Is there any upper limit to the modding capacity before the game refuses to load, 'cause I tend to get carried away with my modding once I get into it.
  19. Ok so i've decided to get Skyrim on PC just so I can mod the fuck out of it, is it easy to create mods? I wanted to do something like that house by the river mod on the last page, but make it unique to me. I cannot resist the urge to mod any longer. I'm not sure what it'll run like on my PC, but i'll give it a go. In other news, started my Breton mage/warrior hybrid yesterday, he actually looks pretty badass with a cowl, hide armor and dual steel axes. Killing things is much easier too because I don't have to rely on only magic or weapons, I can use both. It's a shame that the game almost forces you to upgrade your armour and weapons as you go along or risk getting owned. You always end up using daedric weaponry, I want to stick with steel. Guess i'll have to use the alchemy trick to make an extremely powerful smithing potion and then upgrade them to do higher damage.
  20. You do know Anti honky Machine is a song by Public Enemy, right? I listen to rap too. Matter of fact it's the genre I grew up listening to primarily. Also, show me where I said I hated SA, it's one of my favourite games ever, but I know when to let go of it unlike the little CJ fanboys who pray every night that he's in GTA V. My problem is not with SA, it is with those people.
  21. I don't know if it was with pics or YT videos, but last time I tried to post more than three it went all proud americany and said I couldn't.