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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. The YT vid comments for the Hearthfire trailer are full of prepubescent fanboys flaming each other. They are so grown up calling everyone gay, it's fucking hilarious and yet somewhat depressing at the same time, knowing i'm the same species as these retards.
  2. "This program contains graphic material, including offensive language." *doesn't watch*
  3. I agree, also I am infinitely more reassured knowing CJ is alive and well in that GTA universe.
  4. At the same time the Ned Luke character has been seen in multiple screenshots. Also, this guy's clothing looks a bit low res to me, could just be a placeholder skin.
  5. I'm sure some, fewer or less of the missions in V will be "ghetto related". R* try to give a wide variety of missions to avoid repetition. We still don't definitively know who the protag is, but I doubt we'll be part of a gang. That doesn't mean a few of the mission can't involve helping a certain gang in some way to achieve a greater goal. I'm sure the second trailer will detail more of the characters and story, so we'll have to wait until then.
  6. If you want to play SA go ahead and play it, nothing wrong with reliving memories. But GTA V will be nothing like it, sure they are trying to bring back the fun time feel with all these new things we've seen so far, which probably only accounts for 0.1% of the game. If you want GTA V to be exactly like SA it might as well be a wasted game, i'd feel pretty pissed off if I went out and bought it and it was 99% identical to SA.
  7. I was thinking about the Dukes, but I couldn't find a rear view of it for some reason. I don't think it is, but it resembles that more than the Bullet.
  8. This has made me realise that there are only human children in Skyrim, no elves whatsoever. In fact from what i've read there are only four adoptable children added to Hearthfire and they are all Nord or other human races.
  9. When it's mage vs mage the one using lightning will always win because it drains magica. That house mod looks better than Hearthfire, the way it's built into the landscape and fits nicely around it. I don't normally like mods but if I had Skyrim on PC i'd definitely get that.
  10. The Ford GT is the Bullet, which is what people were originally speculating it to be. It doesn't look like it to me though from TBoGT version. The rear sticks up from the window to accomodate the engine. The only thing it has in common is the rear window vents. The rear window is a lot more narrow on the Bullet, and the boot (or trunk ) doesn't blend into the roof and D pillar as seamlessly as it does on the other unidentified car.
  11. But it's on by default, how can you not use it when it's on? Also, your move.
  12. Weren't we all using auto aim when we played? If it's on it's on for everyone. Anyway I will rejoin these matches at some point, when i've exhausted all my other games and decide to reinstall IV. Probably about the same time the matches stop.
  13. Yeah obviously it's not going to be anything like the Sims, nowhere near as in-depth in terms of building, it'll be like I said; "click to buy small house plot" "click to buy upgraded house plot" etc. But from what i've been reading about it you have to buy or find the building materials, which should at least make it a bit more interesting. Also i'm not sure how long it takes the houses to actually build, i've only seen one brief YT vid of the gameplay. I need a character that would actually fit with owning a house and having children though. I'm still playing through my Khajiit thief game and he's the wandering loner type, no followers and no houses. I think next time i'm going to do a Breton mage/warrior hybrid as in all my previous playthroughs i've either gone with magic or melee alone, it'll be nice to use both and be proficient at them. Some NPC vs NPC vids that are quite good;
  14. Exactly, I don't want to spend half the match aiming and missing, I just want to get in there, kill someone, get killed myself, respawn and start the whole process over.
  15. I thought we had rid this place of that plague, I seriously want to tell you to FOAD. How many times must we say; CJ doesn't exist in this GTA universe. Can I emphasise that any more? CJ does not exist in this GTA universe. Does not. Am I getting through? CJ DOES NOT EXIST.
  16. Same here. Dawnguard doesn't really interest me. But I like building shit, even if you're just clicking a "buy/build" button and not actually doing it manually, I still like to feel that i've created something myself. You'd think Bethesda would be working on the DLCs for both consoles simeltaneously, even if there's an exclusivity deal doesn't mean you can't work on it and get it to a releasable state on the PS3 at the same time. Meh, doesn't bother me, as I said I probably won't be getting Dawnguard. Funny to see all the impatient PS3 users whining because they haven't got it.
  17. If I cannot be bothered to play non auto-aim matches anyway.
  18. Does it make any difference what it's called?
  19. There will probably be hints to SA; maybe old, faded Grove Street graffiti or peds wearing green clothing*. And they may be similar in appearance as obviously both the areas in SA and V are based off of the real world LA - R* may have even gone back to their old research notes from SA for guidance. I doubt the neighbourhood names will be the same though, from what we've seen already all the names are new. *No, that doesn't mean we'll be seeing CJ.
  20. Ooooooooh! Fight, fight, fight! Food fight!
  21. *facepalms* I know this, i've played through the game three times. I was referring to the guy you have to go to to initiate the side quest.
  22. I thought he was at Blackwater station.