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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. What beard foo? I dun' shaved it off long ago. Tis only a winter thing mainly.
  2. How can R* cause so much ejaculation with so little effort?
  3. It's not hard to find, if you've heard of Lakeside it's not far from there, clearly signposted. Besides, you were closer to Duff's place, should have "hit him up".
  4. What the hell were you doing down here? Get back up to Scousetonia.
  5. ViceMan

    WWE 13!

    I'm sorry, but even the inclusion of Attitude era wrestlers cannot sway me. The last wrestling game I bought was Smackdown Here Comes The Pain, with a picture of Brock Lesnar straining to have a shit on the front.
  6. Sure, how much do I get for each pipe identified?
  7. Those long cylindrical things are pipes, I know that; see definition 2a. Definition of PIPE 1 a : a tubular wind instrument; specifically : a small fipple flute held in and played by the left hand b : one of the tubes of a pipe organ: (1) : flue pipe (2) : reed pipe c : bagpipe —usually used in plural d (1) : voice, vocal cord —usually used in plural (2) : piping 1 2 a : a long tube or hollow body for conducting a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid or for structural purposes b : a means of transmission (as of television signals or computer data) <a broadband fiber-optic pipe> 3 a : a tubular or cylindrical object, part, or passage b : a roughly cylindrical and vertical geological formation c : the eruptive channel opening into the crater of a volcano 4 a : a large cask of varying capacity used especially for wine and oil
  8. Who knows, the aliens in the movies are probably tame to what true alien life could look like. Natural creation isn't limited by a human mind, unlike our own preconcieved ideas of what is "alien". The stuff that lives in the depths of the oceans could be classed as alien, some of the weirdest, most grotesque things live down there. (QD's hemorrhoids too.) I am of the theory that it is pointless speculating about alien life as we're probably never going to encounter any, I use the same excuse for God and religion.
  9. I don't normally bother replying to those videos, but that was a special case... as was the guy who made it.
  10. I seem to post this Tech song every time we talk about conspiracies, but here ya go: Oh and here's the one that references flight 800 - @2:08: Also, why is it the people who post those videos with lyrics can never spell?
  11. I keep phoning but he doesn't answer, what do I do now? Doesn't he care about me?
  12. I thought you'd given up masturbation after your last incident.
  13. Thin and crispy beats puffy and stodgy any time.
  14. No they're not, thin and crispy are what true pancakes are like, not puffy and soft. Waffles are another American thing. Also, we can't have a true food topic without koko here.
  15. Welcome, make fun of honkys and gays to increase your rep and receive a bigger penis on your personal shelf.* *your personal shelf must be put up yourself with your own nails as health and safety cannot hand out sharp objects.
  16. Yes, the British are evil! Kill them all!
  17. GTA IV's Liberty City was based on New York City not the amazon rainforest. Well, thats stating the obvious. I just meant, that with choosin a strictly city enviroment, many people missed some gameplay elements, which a bigger variety of landscape could offer. (What they were used to in GA SA, so even with the great leap in graphics and realism, that couldnt make up for the lack of action). Furthermore Im not quite sure GTA in a rainforest would work, since theres a shit load of trees with a scarce amount of people AND cars for that matter. Yes, aside from some fictional Top Gear presenters to hijack your choice of vehicle would be very limited.
  18. After playing through RDR again I can really get a feel of what GTA V's landscape will be like... RDR is still fucking beautiful to behold and I hope GTA V improves on this. Anyone wondering what GTA V's countryside will be like should look no further. A question; out of Skyrim and RDR, which of the two environments/landscapes do you prefer? My answer, RDR... since Skyrim is fantasy based the landscape is equally fantastical, but slightly unrealistic. RDR's is believable, it also isn't as cluttered and crowded with lairs, making it seem like a barren and desolate landscape - which suits the game perfectly. (I might ask this question in another topic as don't expect to get many replies that matter in here.)
  19. I don't know about the shit list, that needs its own list; the absolutely retarded and needs to be bludgeoned to death with a claw hammer list.
  20. I am trying to comprehend "distroiairccadestroyers"...
  21. The law has always been the tertiary factor in the majority of GTA games, the plots tend to revolve around "bad guys". Most of the cops that feature prominently in any GTAs tend to be corrupt; Ray Machowski, Tenpenny and McReary, you could argue that Machowski and McReary are generally "good cops" who have turned to crime to defeat a larger evil that they otherwise would not have been able to do via conventional, lawful means. Tenpenny on the other hand is truly corrupt as he attempts to exploit his position and operate outside of the law on numerous occasions. In this sense it would be very difficult to have a primary antagonist who is a "good cop" - one who plays by the rules and doesn't twist the law to their advantage, it would severely limit them in how they can compete with the protagonist. I'm sure R* could pull it off though if they chose to. Hah, that'll make the noobs scratch their heads.
  22. Everybody has their tastes, R* can't cater to everybody in one game. Some people liked the ghetto "rollin' in tha hood" gangsta-ness of SA. And the game will have a hood type area, that's a given. Whether it will be a primary location for the game's story to unfold is another matter.
  23. It has its own Twitter account? "Hey yall just taking a dump... on Mars lololol!!" MAJOR UPDATE! Breaking news from the surface of Mars: