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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Jedi Academy had levels with snow in it, and you left footprints in that... and that was released in 2004. What has happened in 8 years to make footprints in the snow so frustratingly unattainable. Who knows, maybe when the game releases my hopes of having footprints in the snow might become a tangible possibility.
  2. Just saw this and it made me fucking laugh... Where do people come up with this shit? So if a tsunami hits Los Angeles - which correct me if i'm wrong is highly unlikely - then the residents have to evacuate and travel across the entire country to go to New York? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?? Sorry, I meant to say; "weeeellll so dont like u fink it wuld b cool if wen u dyed u wen 2 heavan an saw 2pac an biggie an u rap wid dem an roll on ballas an smoke an ryder 4 bitrayin grovestreet caus dat relly pissed me off also u shud b abel 2 go 2 d moon cause a bomb blowes up d city in a mission an u hav 2 go 2 d moon to stop d man whose blowen up d city an u save the city an then u get a big house in d city an u get free gunz an shit wudnt dat b coooool??????????"
  3. Yeah in my first playthrough I did a bit of everything; thief, mage, companions, DB... and it didn't feel right. He wasn't honed enough. I've never actually bothered doing the main storyline in most of my playthroughs, I only completed it in my first game and as my Nord tank. That was before I had the YLoD problem and lost all my data, since then I haven't been playing Skyrim as much. But i've exhausted my Altmer mage character and i'm getting to that point in my Khajiit thief game. I want to try something different next, I haven't played as an Orc, a Redguard, a Wood Elf, a Breton or an Argonian yet. I might try a Orc or Redguard as they are primarily melee based.
  4. Looks fairly decent. Graphics aren't amazing, but average is good enough for me. (Not just in gaming terms either.) And yet another game with snow where you don't leave footprints in it? What is the world coming to?
  5. What a dumb overused comment. A dumb, overused comment it may be, but still a pertinent one and quite true.
  6. Yeah he will be with you for that part of the mission, along with the prisoner. Both of them can die without any consequences; in my first game they got killed by the Troll on the way out. If they live the prisoner will go to the Thieves Guild and the elf will go somewhere else, I can't quite remember where though. Ah,Windhelm, and he does have a quest.
  7. Actually you reminded me of a similar experience I had when I was doing that mission on my first playthrough. Thinking i'd need my armour in the Embassy I gave it to the guy, which of course removed it from my person, so I had to run out of Solitude and down the hill to the Delphine in my loincloth.
  8. *lols* NOOB! Why didn't you take a dagger or something as well? Steel arrows won't do shit to a Thalmor.
  10. Yeah that's what I do when i'm playing as a thief, (which I am doing now.) Don't neglect the melee perks, otherwise you'll get owned by hordes of bandit marauders jumping on you. I found a sword with a paralysis enchantment on it which i've never bothered using before, it's actually pretty handy when your enemy goes stiff and falls to the floor in front of you... if you know what I mean.
  11. I posted quite a few back in the other topic; Go back a few pages if you want to see my modded Vinewood Hills safehouse too.
  12. The enemy of every low bridge from here to Timbuktu.
  13. They're late. The Olympics started 4 days ago... Are you continuing the pun or didn't you read what he said? Hmmm...
  14. Dawnguard's not going to be released on PS3 or PC for an indefinite amount of time... apparently. (Added that to make myself all legal and above board.) Yeah, fuck them then. If they don't want my money then fine, in all honesty it didn't interest me much anyway.
  15. Nope, don't drink so it's of no interest to me. *moves along*
  17. Oh and LA must have (or have had) floods because it has flood control channels. (Derp.)
  18. ViceMan

    Classic Titles

    I seem to recall owning this game but there's surprisingly little I remember about it.
  19. It has to be historical, i.e in the past. R* always pull those off so well, subtly poking fun at the customs and ideals of the period. If it's set in the future they'd have no social reference points to base it off.