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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Yes, it is because of me that this topic is entertaining. Thank you. Derailing a topic? I'd better tell a mod.
  2. RDR springs to mind, walking out of the Armadillo saloon in the torrential rain and hearing John's footsteps squelching in the mud. I think more variety of weather would suit me. Just an idea, but since cars can become dirty in GTA IV perhaps the same addition could be made to the character model, adding an alpha layer of dirt and grime if you happen to spend a lot of time in the countryside. This would facilitate the need to change clothes now and again, meaning you won't go through the game dressed in only one set of clothes.
  3. I read that, and the French team didn't know what the Olympic lanes were... oh and this marvelous piece of forward planning.
  4. Yup that pretty much sums it up. It hasn't even started yet and it's already a fuck up. Well, it can only get worse, and I will be laughing when it does.
  5. Either that or a retard threw some coloured paper on the ground and they were too nice to say it was awful. In all seriousness I bet that shitty logo cost millions to produce.
  6. No that was Red Dead Automobile, Grand Theft Auto was based on it. I'm sure I posted some random thoughts on a pirate game some years ago, but I still think it would be epic: Sailing from port to port, evading an armarda of ships, boarding a British frigate during the heat of an intense naval battle and hacking the crew to death with a boarding axe, plundering their loot and escaping to your island hideout to stash it... all in real time. Not sure how the plot would play out but fuck it, it sounds good enough to me without a plot, that would only add to the cum-factor.
  7. What the fuck? 88% That can't be right. Last time I played TBoGT - which was ages ago - i'm sure there were loads of trophies I couldn't be bothered to get.
  8. Fuck Zeus. There is only one god. His name is Odin. Is he a cyborg?
  9. Just play the game less? It'll last longer. The sad cunts who have no lives and rush through a game in three days and then insist on moaning about its length really piss me off.
  10. I turned my monitor off and i'm having trouble seeing the screen, somebody help for the love of god!
  11. I'll be glad when the fucking thing's over.
  12. I applaude thee sir, assuming they were genuine hyphen requiring words and not just tacked onto the end of the sentence - which is below you, well below. Oh look there's one!
  13. So you'd like to see a R* extrapolation of Fallout? Hmm, i'm still not sure their sense of humour would transfer into such a world.
  14. Focus on that. I made a topic for this on the old forums, and I said I wanted R* to try their hand at a post-apocalyptic game. That has not changed. Nah I don't think they'd stray into that domain, far too saturated as it is. Well not post-apocalyptic... just futuristic. I am mistakenly treating those two genres as the same, which they are not, but they draw a close parallel. Luckily I don't follow 99% of games that are released so I cannot name any examples.
  15. Well a new RDR somewhere down the line, the fact they gave it a mention in the Max Payne advert on telly next to GTA means they obviously hold it in high esteem. I'd expect a new RDR by 2016 at latest.
  16. Chicken wire + back yard = concentration camp.
  17. My cat's 19, he's had a pretty good run the old git.
  18. Massadadacre has spoken, clean your room son or you won't get any speciality porn this month.
  19. Surely that should be the other way round, although I know if I was miserable and someone threatened to cut my balls off i'd soon cheer up. How old was your cat Gtagrl?
  20. Yeah he's my stand-in for when i'm not available.
  21. Been like it for years, he loves it when you rub his ears between your fingers, he starts dribbling all over the place. But we did it so much that the blood vessels in his ear burst and then it swelled up like a blister, after we got it treated it healed like that. It gives him a bit of character though.