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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. I'll always remember the day me and my mates all went to buy SA. I don't know if we were at college... or supposed to be at college, but we all went down Lakeside (the local shitehole around here) and bought it from a GAME shop (we were only 17 but whatever, we didn't get questioned) and got the bus home. I got indoors, rushed upstairs, shut my bedroom door and that was it. I think the first think I did was look at the map, i'd already seen it on the official site but to have it there in my hands, to get a sense of the scale. I remember I spent a few hours in game fucking around on a BMX exploring the map and finding weapons, not knowing the full extent of what lay ahead of me. I was so enamoured with the countryside I think I forgot there was more of the map to unlock. Good times.
  2. It is worth getting. I had never played an ES game before and I was hooked, I spent all of my free time playing it.
  3. As i've always said, the sad cunts who insist on moaning need to find other things to do with their lives. Note to Marney: Monday July 10th
  4. It'd be cool at night, driving down a desert highway and seeing a flash and fireball in the distance. This is GTA not Fallout. I'm okay with the driving down a desert highway at night, that sounds good, but the rest... no. Not realistic, and GTA is rooted in its realistic portrayal of society and current events. Although thinking about it, if you meant a nuclear test site as opposed to a random nuclear warhead being dropped... they have those in Nevada but i'm not sure about Cali, any Americans help me out on that one. If so are they still active? I thought most nuclear testing was carried out from the 40s up until the late 60s.
  6. I know what They're (They are) means, but I still have trouble remembering Their and There lol. If I ever have any doubts - which I never do as my knowledge of the English language is something to behold - I just remember the sentence "they're over there in their car." And one for QD: "You're in somebody's anus with your penis adjusting the yaw."
  7. Marney keeps mumbling to himself about the 10th of July. It's weird.
  8. Let it consume you, let it eat away at your very being. It is nice and warm inside once you let it in to your cerebrum. Do not fear it, do not shy away from it, only open yourself unto it.
  9. The patches severely reduced the amount of skill you gain when creating items at the forge, before creating four iron daggers would increase your skill level. Now it takes ages.
  10. I remember playing the demo of the original Grand Theft Auto from the demo disc with a copy of OPM. Yuuuup, I dun' seen it all in my long life, phones that didn't fit in yer pockets, and didn't play none o' those fancy jingles either. The world wide web? Yeah we had that, but it was kinda sticky lookin' and o' course back in them days it was called the global thingamajig with the wires an' all. Kids were bigger in my days too, an' knew when t' keep their mouths shut.
  11. I think i'll do what the noobs do; go on Google every day, type in "GTA V" and hope for the best. ZOMG LEAKED INFOEZ!!
  12. Do you play as a negro surgeon in this game? Sounds like fun. [/optionalsarcasmtagfornoobswhodontknowimbeingsarcastic] That's my input for this topic, farewell. *waves*
  13. A. I haven't reinstalled it, and B. I remember the trouble you had playing with us last time. Although I blame Marney.
  14. A dragon! I saw a dragon! It flew right over the Barrow! Fuck, this isn't the asylum... oh well, who gives a shit.
  15. I haven't reinstalled GTA IV yet, I suppose I could be coerced to though.
  16. *Does not provide image* Paddington Bear was only mildly popular over here, surprised you've even heard of it.
  17. I will sue and boycott the Beatles if they do not release another album soon, we've been waiting far too long and quite frankly it is unacceptable behaviour. This is the type of mentality we have at present.
  18. You are actually blacker than the black guy, unless... shit, now i'm confused.
  19. I started with a Dark Elf who didn't turn out to be much of anything; he was versed in magic, melee and ranged weapons, and also quite a thief. The hardest part I found as a new player was creating a convincing name as i'd never played any ES games before.
  20. I bet if they repackaged L.A. Noire under a Grand Theft Auto name you wouldn't call it shit then, you'd eat it up like the fanboy that you are.
  21. The release date "surprise" inside that magazine is the fact that the release date hasn't been revealed yet. Trust me, I work for Rockstar was previously employed by Rockstar but have since become an editor at PSM.
  22. Even though the weekly deathmatches ended months ago when Marney "left"... ignoring the fact that the whinging proud american is still here.