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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. I just noticed one of the comments on there is by a "VicManMan" Hmmm....
  2. Erm, I was going north-west if I remember.
  3. He's gradually resurrecting every dead tyrant from history to form an elite Warlord Committee of the Damned. This week Hitler, next week Genghis Khan, after that... who knows.
  4. Didn't bother reading the bullshit he wrote, just flicked through the numbers until I got to 4... Waste of time. Let's all write our own blogs and see who can get the most hits.
  5. I finally got round to uploading my 2000 pics onto my PC, most are just of my bird and other nature photography, I might post a few select ones later. But for now, here's some I took from my bedroom window last summer.
  6. Well that's your fault for picking Russia, of course you're going to have the most.
  7. Okay, but you have to start as QD's underling and work your way up as it were.
  8. What. The Fuck. Are you. Talking. About? Some of you were discussing Jack Marston's age as if his hat would be dead because he'd be dead in 2012. His hat could be in GTAV as an easter egg, regardless. I didn't remember the discussion turning to the life expectancy of headwear, could you show me where I lost the plot and put me back on the straight and narrow.
  9. What. The Fuck. Are you. Talking. About?
  10. They didn't add bigfoot to RDR. It was added to Undead Nightmare - an expansion which is based on unrealistic and fantastical events that aren't part of the original game's canon. So if we get a similar expansion for GTA V (which we won't as R* don't tend to repeat ideas they've previously used) then i'd expect to see bigfoot, not before.
  11. Now I have to reinstall not only L.A. Noire but RDR too, after i've finished replaying AC:Revelations that is. YLOD turned out to be quite good for getting back into my old games, gave me an impetus to replay everything.
  12. Actually I never noticed that myself, does the whistle audio play in the game or was that added by the creator of the video?
  13. A real Viking wouldn't pick it out like a sissy, he'd leave it to crust up.
  14. You didn't manage to get any in your beard? Fail.
  15. You keep peanut butter in the fridge? Hmmm...
  16. The game ended because peace broke out. Our nations celebrated together and nurtured a caring and loving relationship with one another for many centuries to come, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.
  17. So as we draw laboriously closer to an update on GTA V, i'm just going to post my theories in here for no apparent reason and then never check this topic again. (I am still going by my original assumption that GTA V will be released in October, I am not deviating from my assumption as it is just that, it is no more than a hunch. So don't expect factual evidence because you will find none.) In regards to the timetable of information breakdown, my supposition is thus; Mid July - Second trailer released Mid/late August - Third trailer released (also screenshots released to the fansites.) Late September/early October - Possible fourth trailer released/official website goes up Late October - GTA V released That's three months worth of new information before the game is released, which to me is a realistic outlook and also the most credible one. There, i'm done. (Also, honkys.)
  18. The GTA V logo on a website about GTA games? How original. Where's your creativity man?
  19. Psy said if there are say, 10 people with the correct date he'll give them all a copy. Yeah right, a copy. As in pirated. Somebody photoshop Psy as a pirate. I can't be bothered. Do it, do it now... or has it already been done in the past? Hmmm...