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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. For what it's worth (in other words, nothing) it does look a bit odd with the "MC" stuck out to one side like that.
  2. I actually learnt the other day (from the GTA Wiki admittedly) that 24/05 is Dan or Sam Houser's birthday. So that is what the number relates to.
  3. Be prepared for a wave of nerds trying desperately to do their most manly "Fus Ro Dah" impression.
  4. Until the apparent demise of "that Scouser."
  5. Last one was something like "The world will end before GTA Five is released, therefore it is impossible to win." One before that was "Everyone who preorders Max Payne will receive all downloadable content for the upcoming GTA game very soon."
  6. Yes but now the disc is stuck in there, at least if it breaks while playing a shit game it doesn't really matter. I had been thinking of buying a new PS3 slim anyway as I was anticipating this one knackering out. Looks like i'm going to be watching a lot of telly for a while, i'll just have to hope there's something decent on.
  7. Well, seems I won't be playing this or anything else on my PS3 for a while - It just YLOD'd on me. The old girl has had a good run, got it back in '06. R.I.P. My PS3. Couldn't have come at a worse time though, i've just spent over 2 grand on a car.
  8. What gave it away, the 15 headshots? Duck n' roll motherfucker, like a pro. I was so close to killing Kuz in the short time he was with us, I shot twice and the third shot would have killed him but just as I did he disconnected. Shame about Dup too.
  9. Exactly, now peoples stupidity equals a bad game.
  10. I frequently give up on games because I can't be bothered to do the missions in them or they are too difficult. In GTA IV I had to drive Roman somewhere but some prat had put a fucking wall in the way! I spent several hours ramming the car into it but it just wouldn't budge so in the end I gave up and cried. I wish they would make these games easier. [/obvioussarcasmisobvious]
  11. 11pm assuming Marney gets his arse in gear, although we could start without him I guess. Are we doing DM or TDM?
  12. Hope this isn't a spoiler but in response to the answer to that; I probably would do just to get it.
  13. TL;DR I think the point is, even if GTA V is released on the Wii U (I always read that in a Japanese accent) the sales will be mediocre to average at best. Their best bet would be to earn back the "real gamers" respect so they could potentially have a strong install base for GTA VI. I however would never buy a Nintendo console, I never have and I don't plan to start now. Call me the mediator, the motherfuckin' arbiter.
  14. Last patch was released September, you haven't played in quite a while. The only problem I have with the MP is the odd long wait when starting a game after the lobby, normally if there are a lot of players. Trying to get all those different connection speeds from all across the globe synchronised isn't an easy task to achieve it seems. Also I hate foreign cunts who talk to each other over their headsets, usually French or Spanish leet teamers who gang up on you. I literally have to spend the first minute in a deathmatch going into the player list and muting everyone, all the while i'm getting shot at standing idle.
  15. Yeah Jazbay is common around that area. There's loads of it, not just around the Eldergleam Sanctuary. Swamp fungal pods are easy to see, big white bulbous things littering the ground everywhere around the swamps in the area. Giant lichen are the bastards to see, if you want to find those check in Morthal, there's one by the lake outside of the Moorside Inn, near the nirnroot and a blue mountain flower. It'll give you an idea of what to look for; huge brown pancakes that are exactly the same colour as the ground, (best tip for seeing them is to put your camera top down over your character and slowly pace around until you see them, you can easily miss them in the long grass.) Canis root is also quite hard to spot around there, but it's where they are most common (they are also frequently found around The Rift.) They look like twiggy splayed hands coming up out of the ground.
  16. I don't look for flowers, they are easy to find. Some of the rarer ingredients I will search for though; just been doing a canis root and giant lichen gathering session around Morthal. I was actually thinking of writing a guide showing where ingredients can be found, but since this isn't a Skyrim fansite I decided not to.
  17. I find the ingredients I carry usually equate to over two thirds of my haul. As my thief I had a carrying capacity of 520 odd and I was near the limit. I emptied my stash of ingredients into a chest in my house and my weight went down to 150 or so. I had about 200 snowberries, 100 each of the mountain flowers, a couple hundred thistles plus all the other odd bits.
  18. What hair are we talking about? The stuff on your head or the stuff around your other head?
  19. Every character i've played as i've still collected every ingredient I come across, I can't resist it. Making potions is good income, epsecially blue butterfly wings and blue mountain flower, even without the giant's toe it still sells for a lot.
  20. No matter how many times we tell them to do it.
  21. Yeah but before I could use the exploit I mentioned to see where barnacles and slaughterfish eggs were, and shoals of fish to harvest (not salmon though, only alchemy ingredients.) Now I can't do that.
  22. Nigga hasn't been seen since. I think he got depressed and killed himself.