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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Nah initially I tried a standard free roam, he connected, we possed up and I left to find a TDM game. I assumed he'd join the same game automatically because of the posse, but when I joined he wasn't there. Tried a few more times inviting him while in a match but he couldn't connect. Then he left to sort his connection out.
  2. A few minutes and you didn't notice an 104MB file downloading?
  3. Tried playing with Kuz last night (no fondling took place, I swear.) He seems to have trouble connecting to any game I join.
  4. New patch is out; only thing i've noticed so far is the underwater texturing has changed, before you could have the camera angled under the water line but still see clear sky ahead and also to the ocean floor, it was a good exploit for checking out wrecks and things before actually venturing down. Seems they've fixed that now as you get a blurred effect when under the water line regardless of whether your character's underwater or not. Also the destruction spell cinematic kills, they seem rather pointless as it's just a slowed down version of your character flaming the enemy and them collapsing to the floor. No fancy animation or anything, sometimes it's just a slow mo shot of the enemy keeling over. Just read this: Didn't seem to affect me though.
  5. 360? Haha, those noobs couldn't organise an orgy in a nunnery.
  6. Yeah and Japan was pretty isolated from the rest of the world back then. Maybe as someone suggested on there, China is the way to go.
  7. Don't say that until you've played a TDM, free roam does not count. I will be on tonight for a while; a few TDM games, maybe some straight deathmatches. I just remembered, i'm three headshots away from getting my golden Mauser pistol. I was working towards it when I stopped playing last.
  8. Well fuck you, i'd still like to see feudal Japan. I think it wouldn't work because of the political and historical aspect of it, I can't see a way to integrate Assassin and Templar events into Japanese history.
  9. I'm unsure at the moment, I still reckon October.
  10. I've been playing a few TDM games, i'm not as good as I used to be. Or maybe it's just because i'm playing with a load of leets who team up and I always get stuck on the opposing team. I can still pull off a headshot or two though.
  11. At least with those you have a choice of armour and robes if you happen to be a mage or a warrior.
  12. Holy flying negatives Batman! Knowing QD it's probably spelt wrong anyway.
  13. This is what we'll be dealing with now, ultimate denial. Reposted for reference. If you are a noob and have lost hope - do it.
  14. The red on them annoys me, but I make do for the 30x sneak damage. I just wish the Nightingale hood had a better enchantment, as a non-magic thief it's rather pointless.
  15. It goes with the ebony weapons well. That's why I decided to switch from glass weaponry to ebony in the end.
  16. I only wear the gloves, the rest of my outfit is Nightingale.
  17. Because it's fun to see Kuz get so irate.
  18. I can take down two to three Draugr Deathlords by spamming power attacks with my ebony dagger/sword combo. First one is always a sneak kill, then if they spot me I just rush in and start swinging. Most of the time though they don't even see you take the first one out so you can back away and start stalking the next one. I rarely use the bow in those circumstances but do sometimes to soften them up. (Not really worth it though as you only get 3x sneak damage as opposed to the 30x with the dagger and DB gloves.)
  19. I only took the perks for the weapons, I used the Thieves Guild armour through the majority of that play and then went onto the Nightingale armour. I'm not sure about paralyze, doesn't it work by levels? So if you have a higher enchanting skill higher level opponents can be paralyzed. I never use enchanted weapons, seemed a bit pointless when most times it kills in one hit anyway.
  20. Ebony dagger + sneak = one dead Draugr Death Overlord
  21. Who's going to notice a Canadian with brain damage anyway?
  22. Definitely worth it. The fact it was selling for £15.99 a few months after its release was a disgrace. Going to try getting on RDR tonight, around the usual time.
  23. If there's enough of us I still think we should do a TDM against another random team. If we posse up it'll put us on the same team, that's why it's better than GTA IV's MP. Also, Gtagrl needs training, so we should get some in whenever's convenient. So are we doing this instead of the GTA IV match? Maybe we could do one Monday and one Tuesday, Tuesday's better for me as I can stay up later as I haven't got to go to work the next day.