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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. I read that as "getting raped in GTA 5" But yeah, I don't want to have to do a mission in a certain way to get a 100% rating on it, I never bother trying to. I'm not an achievement whore.
  2. That was the idea, I still got trounced. And @bOnEs - Vicey's barrel roll button must be permanently stuck in. I roll because i'm used to it, in autoaim matches you can't be targeted while rolling (same with RDR.) So I just do it out of instinct.
  3. It's not a bad idea, but I can't see it happening. I was hoping for some really nooby topics to tear up... but alas there are none. Oh well.
  4. If everybody has it, which it looks like they do. It'll be much easier if we posse up and take on a random team in a TDM, we might have a few random people on our team too though. Gtagrl will have to try the online RDR to get used to it first, can't be having noobs on our team.
  5. I'll have to get some shots of all my characters at some point or another.
  6. I think I used most of my perks in one handed early on with my thief, once I had that taken care of I went for the sneaking and pickpocketing ones. Lockpicking ones I can do without as i've pretty much mastered the technique now and have 300+ lockpicks. (I gave the skeleton key back already.)
  7. Deathmatches in RDR are entirely more epic from start to finish, the opening showdown is proof of that. Team deathmatches in Tesoro Azul were great too. I was a motherfucker in that, I was getting so many headshots with the Springfield rifle it was ridiculously easy, hiding round corners, seeing someone running towards you, pop out, BOOM! Good times. (And yes, TBoGT tonight.)
  8. A power attack staggers the enemy, assuming you're a non-magic thief like I played as you'll be pouring all of your skill points into health and stamina, and with the perks that half the stamina cost for power attacks you should be able to easily spam them with those until they die with plenty of stamina to spare. I dual wielded with my thief, sword in left hand and dagger in the right for the stealth kills. In this playthrough I am trying to force myself to use block, but it just seems so pointless to me.
  9. RDR deathmatches are more epic, smaller map areas lead to a more intense and strategic match overall. Armadillo gunfights are the best. We should get some of those going, i'm really getting into the idea of playing RDR again.
  10. You can sneak kill anything after a while, it gets boring. You can easily walk around in front of some enemies and they can't even see you. Who do you bother using block? Even in my current playthrough as a female Imperial I don't bother using it that often, and she's carrying a shield. I tried to use it to level it but i'm always attacking anyway, block is pointless when you've already killed your enemy.
  11. There's usually a fuck about afterwards but I always go to bed after the deathmatch.
  12. I was acually thinking about a TDM. But obviously that's going to be unlikely to ever happen unless it's 2v2.
  13. I've chosen the "Xero In" area for tomorrows DM. Episodic weapons, all other settings same as usual.
  14. No I didn't, Coolnoob did, how many times do I have to say it. Nevertheless that honky hasn't been seen again, so I guess i'll have to choose. How do we feel about a TBoGT match? I'm not sure of the gameplay areas so i'll have to check later. Also, who here has RDR too? I'd like to get those going again since the MP there is much more organised.
  15. Could you do your "classic" face with the beard? I need it for photoshopping purposes.
  16. 1. See username. 2. Tommy, CJ was a whining prick at times. 3. Vice. SA's was too obsurd, "oh look i'm a small time gangsta in the ghetto, no wait now i'm working with the Triads and running a garage, no actually now i'm working with the Mafia and helping to run a casino." Vice's was shorter but more believable and concise. Not to say I don't like SA's story though. 4. 80's Vice. 5. Tommy would fuck CJ up with a purple dildo. As i've always said; III wins in terms of atmosphere, Vice wins in setting and SA wins in gameplay.
  17. So has it been left up to me to choose the settings even though I didn't win?
  18. So what are the settings for the next match Mr. Noobdude?
  19. Apparently it has, just a load of shitty commercial hip-hop from proud americans i've never heard of. That's why I never listen to the radio nowadays, it's all absolute shite.
  20. Erm... it's a honky, what do you expect. Only watched a few minutes of it but it was quite funny.
  21. What was cool was that I felt right at home, knew my way around and where things are in relation to each other. It was eerie, and very cool. Because of GTA IV? That proves it, it's a ruthless map reading simulator and should be banned for helping people find their way around New York. I bet you showed no emotion while callously walking around those places, you were in a trance-like state weren't you?
  22. That was me shooting at you then wasn't it, I remember seeing you off in the distance standing idle and thinking "oh he must be taking photos" so I hurled a few more your way and got you. And I don't like to brag but; most kills, least deaths. Just sayin'.