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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. As i said before it can fuck your game up seriously if you're not careful. I never created a negative damage weapon but I think it still acts as a positive value and won't restore the enemy's health. The answer to your question sir, is this: That is the one to the south-east of Solitude.
  2. I cannot be bothered to manually aim, not after not playing the game properly for over a year and not at 11pm at night when i'll be tired.
  3. Yeah it's just a loop of that basically, but your end result should be the gear enchanted with fortify alchemy (you don't even need a full set as it's so overpowered.) From there you can make any game-breaking potions. Beware though as once I got the percentage so high it went into negative figures... something like -77643256754544% I don't think it's actually a negative value because otherwise my magica wouldn't have refilled at all. Also, I had a piece of armour that gave me something like -8436761354656% health, I was completely impervious to any damage, but as soon as I removed the armour I immediately died on the spot wherever I was. Luckily I didn't save that. I only went as high as a couple of hundred percent in my actual mage game to make him uber.
  4. It works for enchanting, smithing, anything I think, the restoration potion up's the percentage of all gear, but if you've read about it I assume you know how it works.
  5. Nah i've played both and they are definitely the same, the ones in GTA VI (or iiiiX by somebody's logic) will be better.
  6. So basically you play through the whole game knowing that if there's ever a bit that's too hard for you to finish you can run away like a proud american and dial for backup and let them do it for you. It's not as if the AI enemies are ever that hard to outwit anyway.
  7. I don't know if you want to break your game, but you can make infinitely better enchanted gear by making fortify restoration potions. Personally I stopped when I got over 2000% for some of my enchanted gear, but I did make one piece that was roughly 2 billion percent better.
  8. Snowstorm you mean. Marney, you're a cunt.
  9. Do you really want me to explain it? OG Loc is the wrong GTA era. Brucie and Roman are more feasible as they are in the correct universe, but Brucie is a prick who I wouldn't want to play as and Roman is a coward so he's hardly likely to be running around killing dozens of Police officers. Now if you'd have said "i'd like to play as somebody like OG Loc, Brucie or Roman." Then that would be ok as it would be referring to a person with the same inherent characteristics as those people.
  10. That happens to me all the time; especially if someone walks into the door before you. Same.
  11. Yes I want changes made; you can come round here in your prettiest frock and beg for my forgiveness, I don't care how much it costs to get here from Liverpool I want fucking justice! Did bOnEs give you my message?
  12. It doesn't matter, that was last gen and a totally different GTA universe. For the 723rd time; fuck CJ, that honky's dead and buried in the history books. Good riddance.
  13. ViceMan


    Won't you be trading your bow for a GTA V fanboy before then anyway? I've been playing NV the last few days and staying off of Skyrim, haven't got much done though, only level 8 or 9 (how many levels are there in this game? Same as Skyrim or less?) Just finished the Helios 1 quest.
  14. I doubt it. I'm feeling tired now, i'll probably be nearly asleep by the end of the DM if it's 45 minutes long.
  15. Servals are fucking hilarious to look at, cat sized head on cheetah sized body.
  16. If it is auto aim off, the car 'n' nade strategy might work. I might go on GTA IV for a few hours to get my aim back... i'm not competitive, really.
  17. This thread died in the last topic. I repeat:
  18. Cats are. Don't like dogs, too loud and you have to take them out for walks. *serious answer*
  19. I won't be playing very seriously anyway, it's not as if i'll have remembered all the controls. I'll still be crouching to become hidden and trying to Fus Ro Dah people. I'll do my best but i'm not expecting much.
  20. I was going to point that out. But RDR means 'demption to everyone nowadays
  21. How can you like them when they haven't even been made yet?