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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. R* desperately trying to get me to preorder the ultimate edition with a tempting extra 250k!! GTA dollars. Me: "Nah i'll just sell another duped car for 900k."
  2. I noticed a while ago - at least I think it's that same - The "shocker" rock is in front of Grizzly in that cap from the first trailer of the guy in the barn getting on his horse. Wasn't sure though as like I said a lot has changed between the trailers. (Plus it looks a lot smaller there, in front of another mountain.)
  3. Is Grizzly really that far east? Feel like we haven't seen much of it since the first trailer. Then again it seemed like a lot of the mountain profiles changed between the first and second trailer, understandable since it was a year previous.
  4. Actually there was one more thing I made but forgot to post. It's probably totally wrong, I think the rail line by the lake is a bit off. If the lake is indeed under the purple border line then it's a bit far away from the rail. My basis for that being that the large rocks on the left seem to be in the centre of the map somewhere east of Valentine and the nubbin rocks.
  5. I'm a bit pooped out on mapping now, need some fresh screencaps from the next gameplay vid to revitalise me. Hopefully we'll see some more desert.
  6. So for the desert my logical theory is that it is down south Mexico way, past Flat Iron Lake and Hennigan's Stead. My crazy theory is that it's west north west of what we can see currently, out beyond those mountains.
  7. The only other shot I can conclusively link to those rail bridges is this one; This one i'm 60/40 about; Originally I thought it could be the range on the right of that shot, but it's too inconclusive to say.
  8. I just assumed it was those two bridges you pointed out a while ago with the bear fighting the wolves, is it not? Also I like how there are different train models in this game.
  9. Looking at the original 'demption map there's a key for danger, but I think that would come under gang hideout here. I dunno, i'm not sure if that means enemy gangs or our gang. The fact that there is a gang hideout/caravan camp key suggests it's our gang, but perhaps we clear the enemy gang out first and claim it as our own.
  10. Was thinking that, but nothing makes the letters any clearer. It's the same size and font as the text above so I was going to try and transpose letters from that onto it until I make a word. I think the only thing we can agree on is the first letter is L. Some other things; The Saint Denis puzzle box that comes with the CE has Lemoyne written below it, do you think this is the region name for Bayou NWA or is it just a company that makes the puzzle? Also, has nobody considered the fact that the leaked map grid begins with H and 4, doesn't that suggest there is more above it and to the left. (I mean the fact that there's a place name cut off at the map edge suggests there's more to it.)
  11. Yeah that definitely looks like something something Railroad Camp, still think the second word is Ridge or Bridge though. As for the key, I was trying to think of anything that could work and I kept going back to Ledger target, but the second word looks like it begins with a capital J. "I seen yoh name in ohw ledguh." Also thought the last one was Apple something myself too.
  12. There's an abandoned mine below Pronghorn Ranch marked in white (also in a different font as if it's an annotation, like the lake? near Adler Ranch) so I wouldn't have said that. I keep thinking I can make out the odd word in some of them, but that word isn't enough to reveal what they are. The one below Horseshoe Overlook is C-something-s Point, the one southeast of Aberdeen Pig Farm is something Ridge/Bridge.
  13. Can we link these two? You can see two chimneys in the older pic but I think in the new one the angle might be obscuring the second. There also appears to be smaller building or lean to in front in the newer shot so i'm not sure if it is the same place. Also has anyone with their technical wizardry been able to decipher some of those purple place names?
  14. I think i'm in agreement that this is Hanging Dog Ranch, you can see what appear to be tents and wagons outside and we know it's a caravan camp.
  15. Maybe, I wasn't sure if the body of water was the main river or one of the swampy inlets, my initial thought was it did look like the stretch of bank around Annesburg up to Van Horn, but yeah the angles and twistiness of the river didn't match. Also here's my rather vague take on the desert mountains, i'm sure you and Dup have done something better already.
  16. So i've been looking at these rocks, i've dubbed them QD's mounds. So far as I can tell they are up in the Grizzlies somewhere east of Valentine, maybe up near Iron Cloud. They are different from this rock (left side) which I was also looking at. Which is somewhere in the centre-east of the map, not quite sure where but it's seen quite a lot. Then I got to looking at that river, meanders north east not really matching anything we have on the map, doesn't look like Roanoke Ridge area to me. Now, looking at the border between The Heartlands and Scarlett Meadows there's a place called Dewberry Creek which would suggest a river running through it. The border runs at a 45 degree angle like the river, so my guess is it would be there. Any thoughts?
  17. Reckon this is Manzanita Post being built?
  18. No I imagine it'll be like in V where you can't kill family members, they'll probably be immune to explosions too. (Unlike family members.)
  19. Just a few inconsequential things that aren't that revelatory, may have already been noticed but weren't worth posting about; Annesburg Somewhere near Valentine (Saw loads more but got tired of drawing coloured lines and uploading the images.}
  20. I'm still hoping that desert is somewhere else entirely, it should be an entire region not a small part of an existing one. I'm 50/50 on those two mountain ranges, there are similarities yes but not enough to say for certain.
  21. Makes the map scale seem pretty small if it's that close to the railway.
  22. Well I guess that proves that the leaked map roads/rails aren't 100% up to date. While looking at the leaked map earlier I noticed there's more further north of it, there's a place name that's half cut off in the top right middle and the map boundary isn't fully enclosed. Also that weird Hispaniola peninsula, who knows where that'll end up and what joins onto it.
  23. I wouldn't have said Valentine myself, assuming the darker line on the minimap is the rail it splits off into two lines. Unless darker lines represent trails and railways too...? Even then there aren't any trails on the map near Valentine that bisect the railway at that angle.
  24. Whatever that ranch is it's on or near the rail line. Part of me thinks the large rock we can see isn't the same one that we've been looking at, but the profile looks somewhat similar. The ranch nearest a railway is Emerald Ranch which is pretty far from the two nubbin rocks. (But then the terrain and background mountains don't match up with the screencap of the guy being threatened on the railway line. Ugh, fuck knows.) ((From the minimap in that screencap it looks as if the railway line splits off just before the ranch, judging by the orientation of the minimap i'd say it was the rail junction south of Horseshoe, but there are no settlements there. At least not on the map we have, R* could have easily added dozens of places since that was leaked.))
  25. My favourite comment from that thread: (Regarding Dup) "this dudes probably in his 40's. true OG "