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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. I like your Hello Kitty backpack. And your pretty pink shoes.
  2. I did prefer the feel of TL&D over TBoGT. I'm just sayin'.
  3. We can arrange that if you want. Game: IV Location: In an alleyway behind the dumpster Duration: 1 minute 45 seconds Auto-Aim: For the anus. Weapons: A broken bottle, an elastic band and a jar of ear ointment. Police: Dogging. Traffic: Uphill all the way. Pedestrians: Fapping. Blips: Only at point of ejaculation. Online I.D. Display: Off. Reticule Health: Brown. Voice Chat: Yes. (Charged at £4.50 per minute.) Respawn Distance: 6 inches. Respawn Time: 1 Second Time of Day: Breakfast. Weather: Sloppy.
  4. Yeah, that's why I've just entitled it 'The iGTA5 Deathmatch' for now, not sure what we'd all like to play. I'm up for a game of whatever but let's see how much interest we get. Well, anyone else? Oh, it's just that you put IV next to game... it did kind of make me wonder. Anyway if other people want to play IV then suppose I can. It's just that after playing RDR's multiplayer it'll seem like taking a step backwards.
  5. I'd be more up for a RDR DM, i'd have to reacquaint myself with GTA IV's multiplayer as I haven't played it in... well, since our last DM probably. RDR's multiplayer was much better and more organised... Aside from the random dropping of players.
  6. Can't decide what weapons to give the gangs. I was thinking rifle and sawnoff for DNB, micro SMG and tec-9 for Rifa. Dunno about the Mafia and Triads though, I thought the Triads would be more organised so I was gonna give them the MP5 and M4, with Mafia having AK and Shotgun (and possibly Deagle if the third slot works.) 0237: set_gang 3 weapons_to 27 27 27 0237: set_gang 4 weapons_to 29 29 29 0237: set_gang 5 weapons_to 36 36 36 0237: set_gang 6 weapons_to 28 28 28 Just testing out at the moment to find out which weapons relate to which numbers. 37 is flamethrower BTW.
  7. Chuck Knoblaunch? Epic. Thought i'd upload some random pics i've taken to invoke some memories of SA with everyone. Hey look it's Pieface's mum. I added The Da Nang Boys and Rifa to a lot of areas in Fierro, now they spawn together and have gang fights. While editing the script to give them better weapons I accidentally gave DNB AK-47s and the Rifa rocket launchers. Here's the resulting carnage after a Rifa member decided to open fire on a DNB. Peds aren't known for their accuracy and he hit another passing Rifa car in the mayhem, who got out and started blasting at him. Pieface?
  8. I don't drink any more but I used to be strictly a Stella man. Yup, mhmmm.
  9. If that's what you do with cucumbers remind me never to eat a salad you've prepared.
  10. They didn't. I shot the other one soon afterwards. Nigga was shooting at me, totally unfair.
  11. Yo man perhaps the collapse of the economy will like coincide with like the end of the world duuuude.
  12. The economy will do what it has always done, not much us lowly commoners can do about it. We are unimportant in the equation and just have to get through it as best we can. I'm sure the politicians will make sure their pockets are lined before anything else though.
  13. I keep saying i'm not going to post in here any more, but these fucking noobs are asking for it. The game isn't even complete yet and it's quite a coincidence the boxart contains the exact same images from the first trailer, don't ya think? R* never uses ingame screenshots for boxart anyway. If the stupid gormless cunt who made that vid went to the trouble of making the boxart and CD, why didn't they put the disc in and load it up eh? Who are these pricks trying to fool? Spend your time more creatively by throwing yourself off a bridge and see what pretty patterns you can make on the floor. Indy was being nice. I'm not. Think for a fucking minute before you post next time. (None of that really makes as much of an impact now the topic got merged into the fakes topic. But my point still stands.)
  14. Hmmm... i'll take a look. Well editing the file took all of 30 seconds, now where's the nearest dildo spawn in LS? Ah, in the police station, thank you GTA wiki... Heeeere ya go.
  15. We'll just shrug it off with our regular member immunity card. But then we won't have to as they're not going to be in, fuck that. Can I emphasise that not any more?
  16. We should nail this guy on the front page. Now seriously, i'm not posting in here until official news from R*.
  17. Yes. Dead. Spread the word, tell the noobs, their beloved CJ isn't coming back. If they refuse to accept it, smash their head in with a claw hammer. ^That guy is dead too.
  18. Why do you think they keep the floor sweepings? Duh.
  19. That's ok, just don't let it happen again. As punishment i'm going to paddle your arse with a 2x4 until it's red raw. Then i'm going to cum over it.
  20. I dunno, in the first trailer it looked so different. Well, the textures look the same, but it had a visible interior.
  21. I'd go for lower RAM myself if it's not being used for anything strenuous. But fuck (buttfuck?) it i'm no expert.
  22. Fuck off already, CJ is dead along with all your hopes and dreams. That's it, i'm done with the GTA V forum until the next official news from R*.