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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. ViceMan


    Manly men don't have nipples as they aren't manly and get in the way of things.
  2. Nah I don't think you can create multiple variations of cars. That's why all the car mods overwrite existing cars rather than adding them as new ones. Oh and... 076C: set_zone 'DRAG' controlled_by_gang 6 density 200 076C: set_zone 'DRAG' controlled_by_gang 5 density 100 That's the code for adding the Mafia (5) and Triads (6) outside the Four Dragons Casino. For reference, the Ballas territory usually has a density of 40.
  3. I think the downgrader mod I used said something about Steam, that was for SA.;105439
  4. One Tahoma as ordered, the bike doesn't spawn there, I just parked it there. And my reasoning for not having true gang cars was that i'd have to do the same for every gang, and then stop other peds from driving them, that would remove a fair few vehicles from the selection.
  5. Isn't that a Ballas car? Speaking of which, since the GSF drive the Greenwood, I gave them the Virgo as a gang car too since it's basically a 2 door Greenwood. They are both only driven by the GSF now and only come in green, i've renamed them accordingly. I wondered if perhaps this was too much and maybe I should keep the original names and a variety of colours, as it makes the GSF seem too organised like this.
  6. I think the water I added was just a skin, and not actually swimmable. But it served its purpose. Also, any ideas for what car I should make spawn in the driveway of the safehouse next to Glen Park? Something ghettoish. Savannah?
  7. Uh yeah actually I think I did last time, many years ago. I changed all the textures on the building to my own custom ones since the originals looked a bit shitty.
  8. If you have it on the PC I can add that in to a base script file. But only if it's the original version of SA, not the 2.0 that doesn't allow modding. Also, I added gangs to a lot of other places on the map. Alternatively if you want you can do it yourself, you'll need Barton Waterduck's San Andreas Mission Builder, there isn't much involved really. Just successfully added my first mod back into the game, the safehouse below Grove Street now spawns a Blade in the driveway. I like to keep it realistic, the ghetto safehouses have ghetto cars. And the luxury pad in Vinewood will have about three high performance cars added out the front, plus a lot of additional extra props around the pool, if it gets that far and doesn't crash i'll post pics.
  9. I've just found a downgrader mod and it seems to work. Don't know why I never tried looking before. Now I can start modding the game properly again, I remember I edited the main.scm script file so that when you bought houses a car spawned outside. And I added the Triads and Mafia gangs to Las Venturas, they would have massive shootouts outside the casinos. Plus I gave the GSF better weapons as you progressed through the missions. Nothing silly to make the game too easy, just logical things that improved the game.
  10. I think he thought that was you in that youtube vid, classic. But yeah I also like sniping the bastards who try to own the game with their helicopters... That was back when I used to play GTA IV online, last time was probably before the release of RDR. Actually a lot of people are... if it is that date there's going to be a big argument over who gets the game, but it'll come down to a random pick.
  11. You really didn't need to repaste the whole thing just for that rather pointless and vague reply. I did it further up the page.
  12. It's a tough call but i'd rate RDR slightly higher than ACII on my favourite games list. Anyway completed Revelations last week and got bored of it after that. It doesn't really tie anything up at the end; as Ezio you find the tomb under Masyaf and a skeletal Altair sitting in a chair, it's quite poignant if you're that way inclined. Then Jupiter appears and talks in esoteric riddles, I think in the next game you'll be in America somewhere looking for a lost "Ones who came before" city. Buried beneath the ground. The Desmond memory segments are a bit weird (then again most of AC is fucking weird so I guess it could be normal.) They are in a first person view and you float around some very surrealist levels like a disembodied spirit commenting on Desmond's past memories. You can place blocks down to aid you in your travels and help complete some puzzles, which aren't too hard. There aren't as many complex freerunning puzzle levels as in II or Brotherhood, the only timed one was quite easy and involves pulling levers causing huge weights to drop and drain the water level so you can reach the bottom of the pit. There are no glyphs to find and decipher, no feathers or flags but instead animus data fragments, once you've found 50 you obtain a map making finding the other 50 very easy. That's all i've got to ruin it for you. Same time next year for ACIII.
  13. Rockstar employees have no idea what they're creating, they work with their eyes shut. *nostalgia*
  14. I can't wait for Niko to show up: "Hi I was in the last GTA game and i'm here for no logical reason to give my advice to a total stranger, now lets don our wingsuits and fly to the military base, steal a UFO and use its antigravity powers to stop this tsunami from destroying the world!"
  15. It was that night when you had a threesome with Duff, I remember I was watching through the window. They have some great windows in Amsterdam you know, you can look out of them onto the street below, and if you look closely you'll see that there are windows. If you're on the inside you can see what's on the outside of the window. *can't find relevant Trigger Happy TV clip*
  16. I'll post it for the fuck of it: What a fucking joke, laser guns? UFOs? NWO? WW3?... Fuck me, stupid honkys.
  17. ViceMan


    The first one comes included with Revelations, well mine did. Bit pointless though as I already have it.
  18. I don't know why I even bothered to click that link, I knew there would be more bullshit coming. I only read up to "my dad works for Rockstar" that's where I get off. So no, I do not think it's true.
  19. Corrected. You probably won't know what it means but it will to those who matter. From R*s statement it doesn't mention anything other than LS, I hope to be completely wrong and there will be a second and third city included. But as of this time we have nothing to prove it, so... Engage pessimism.
  20. ViceMan


    He's got nothing downstairs yet.
  21. Look! You can see the Golden Gate bridge in the background! That proves San Fierro is in!!11! Not likely since Guru is dead, and it would make less sense than the Tommy and CJ fanboy theories.
  22. Indeed, at least you didn't fall for the bullshit like many of the other noobs. I was being sarcastic as I often am... I wouldn't want to see CJ or the GSF return.
  23. I just did this mission once again, I managed to get the bike on top of the train by driving off the overpass out in the country. I quickly killed the Vagos then accelerated off the front of the train (stupid thing to do but fuck it..) As I jumped off the front the bike flipped and CJ and Big Smoke fell off the bike, CJ was pushed to the side of the train but Smoke was caught on the front of it and dragged off along the rails. It was funny seeing the blue blip go racing away from me, luckily he's invulnerable during that mission and he didn't get dragged too far, just a couple of hundred feet. Was pretty funny though...
  24. ViceMan


    Look at his manly chest! Grr!