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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. There aren't any "leaked" screenshots, we only have images from the trailer to go by. Any other source of information at this point is factitious.
  2. I could see that backfiring when you go to cover behind an object to avoid gunfire the protag climbs over it instead and hops into the oncoming hail of fire.
  3. Exactly, Euphoria is just a periphery engine that handles character animation and physics.
  4. You mean the oft quoted "fine gentlemangio" aka Faggio? They were in IV so I expect they'd return. Were they??? I barely remember anything from IV. Yup, they featured prominently in one of Bernie's missions (erm, Hating the Haters I think.) Also, the ice cream trucks you mentioned in the other topic were also in IV, seen around middle park mainly.
  5. You mean the oft quoted "fine gentlemangio" aka Faggio? They were in IV so I expect they'd return.
  6. Euphoria was just the physics engine, RAGE handled everything else... so technically he is correct. Just sayin' y'all.
  7. Hey look it's Pitbull, still rocking the old avatar too. I think we might get some screenies as a christmas present and maybe a trailer in mid January.
  8. Show us the results won't you, try to do your bOnEs face so I can shoop it onto every picture.
  9. R* don't need to create rumours in the game, they know from SA we are perfectly capable of doing it by ourselves with no evidence whatsoever.
  10. I remember a funny thing when we had our injections done in secondary school (the ones where the government secretly inject you with AIDS.) I was always the quiet one, never said anything, just queued up while all the popular kids were mouthing off saying they weren't scared and shit like that (why should you be scared anyway?) I went in, had my injection, had a tiny little speck of blood on my arm afterwards, I shrugged, rolled my sleeve down and walked out the hall. Down the hallway I find loads of the popular kids with their shirts covered in blood with them moaning in agony and rubbing their arms. Hah, that's irony for you.
  11. Massy does that for fun anyway. He carries a bag of them around like sherbet lemons.
  12. Why is your face stuck like that Massy? Are you ok? Should I call a doctor or can you operate on yourself with that collection of used scalpels you have?
  13. Very well. Ignore me then why don't you. Hmph! *sulks*
  14. Sexy?! Shit that wasn't the look I was going for! Aw fuck!
  15. Soggy as in damp, moist, wet. I don't suppose it means much to y'all Americans.
  16. At first I thought that said "Marney is soggy."
  17. ViceMan


    I think nowadays it's more unique not to get a tattoo done. I am very sensible... i.e. boring. Fuck it I don't care. I feel a lot older than I am, I hate most things society deems cool.
  18. ViceMan


    I wouldn't think it was that bad anyway, i'm not scared of getting a tattoo done. I just find it an unnecessary waste of money that would look rather tacky. That is the reason why I would never get one.
  19. ViceMan


    Winnie the Pooh with a teardrop tattooed below his eye?
  20. ViceMan


    Women have a knack for picking really awful looking tattoos, blokes are terrible for it but women are worse.
  21. That's my "I don't give a shit what I look like" winter beard. I shave it off before christmas.
  22. And you hear about these boys being seduced by their teachers and you think... you lucky bastard! Like that episode of South Park I can't be arsed to look for.