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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Those weren't intentional, he was wanking while making the map and got carried away. And why do everybodies fake maps have straight edges to them?
  2. I agree, we don't need this shit in three separate topics. Ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!
  3. It should tie up their ends of the story, but Desmond's will continue I assume.
  4. Or check his phone for messages because "the damn thing has been making funny noises all day."
  5. I know the story, i've played the games and decoded the glyphs. The Assassins were the offspring of the ones who came before (or the gods as you call them) and humans. That's why the Assassins posess eagle vision, it's their sixth sense, but its only a crude version of something the ones who came before posessed. tl;dr - it's all magic!
  6. Thought a photo of the Burj Khalifa would be an obvious choice. Or that chain of islands shaped like a palm tree and the Earth.
  7. Indeed, except he wasn't shooting at the train, he was shooting at some Vagos and Rifa on top of the train. [/derp] But yeah that fat fuck couldn't shoot straight.
  8. Maybe they will summon Dio from the depths of hell to make a guest appearance.
  9. ^Lol, that's the sort of mentality we're dealing with here...
  10. Minerva? I thought she was on the Assassins side. Since the Assassins were supposedly descended from the offspring of the ones who came before and humans.
  11. "I weel go adn nock on CJs door to his hoem and then if he ansered I weel say hi CJ wana roll on theese ballers fools and he weel get in my car and we weel go nd shot sum peple and it wood be sooooooo epic ten we weel ride to cluckin bell in my lowrider" In other words, no, there would be no places I would visit specifically with the intention of seeing how similar it is to SA. Because very little of the city will be the same, aside from some of the more iconic buildings. There will be no Grove Street, end of story. While i'm here, i'm going to reiterate a point I made previously just to piss the noobs off; fuck CJ, fuck Tommy, fuck Claude, fuck Niko. They won't be returning. They all died when a bus load of AIDS patients hit them as they were crossing the street together.
  12. You only have to look at the changes to LC between III an IV, no placenames were reused. There was no Portland, Staunton and Shoreside Vale. It was all new.
  13. I guess I have AIDS then. Thanks a lot QD.
  14. ViceMan

    GTA 3

    I'm getting you to 666 rep then stopping, k? As long as nobody else fucks it up. Actually it doesn't matter as I can just unlike a few posts to bring it back down to 666 if need be.
  15. This will cause the moms who buy the game for their 13 year old kid to complain, yet in the first place he shouldn't even be playing the game. What a shame, i'm sure those mums aren't concerned over the virtual killing, casual sex and drug references already in the game. But yes parents today are fucking idiots, 'nuff said.
  16. I guess so. I'll be sure to spoil the whole story for y'all.
  17. I'm seriously pissed off with all this past generation characters talk. They won't be returning. Now fuck off.
  18. I guess i'm the only one sticking to the old skin. Oh well I like being different.
  19. As long as the protagonist has a stuntman who comes in and does everything for him. And if Stallone is anything to go by, gets killed in an explosion.
  20. What the fuck, GAME are saying my order has been shipped. The game doesn't come out until Tuesday. Normally it turns up the day after they ship it, so I should be playing it tomorrow.
  21. Not to mention running from the police, getting knackered after 200 yards, hopping a low fence and twisting your ankle upon landing then writhing on the floor in agony. I know it isn't cool to quote Family Guy these days but fuck it, I never set out to be cool.